We marched to the US embassy in Dublin on Sunday here in Ireland. Alot of people are selfish and ignorant saying things like it's not an Irish issue and isn't this American news. They have such a short mind span, they cannot see patriarchy affects all of us globally. Now, marches are great, protests are great, but I have experienced in the past the media downplaying and in some cases not even covering 'worthy news' big time. It's always good to voice how your situation affects you, to seek justice or maintain human rights. It's how we go about it that makes a difference in whether it's effective or not. Joining and supporting feminist groups, not radicals seeking more patriarchal violence, is helpful. It makes you feel less isolated alone and attacked. Joining extreme behaviour only gets you labelled as a person to be ignored further instead of getting the message out to many educating etc. Volunteering and supporting rape crisis centers, domestic violence clinics and women's refugees are helpful also. It makes you feel useful. Signing petitions and sending time dated email threads to every local TD MP or equivalent government minister is also helpful. It makes you feel heard and there is a thread of evidence if required. However, sitting back, and imagining the longer term effects and results, I feel it shows solidarity and builds the movement but we can still be bullied harassed belittled shamed humiliated gaslit stonewalled put down ignored etc on and offline, into silence and lies told to win sides and control of patriarchy ensues. It then then repeats and repeats. With violence rape torture murder etc.
I know for a fact I'm seeing more women fight back this time and I'm also seeing the lies that patriarchy is spreading. Using psychological warfare saying we are a minority, when in fact we are a majority. If women who have been traumatized use their fear, for example turn it to anger, and don't allow another person who believes falsely that only they are superior, to brainwash fear monger and control their mind, then women collectively globally consistently can overcome this, little problem pun intended. I survived and I'm fighting back.
All the above aforementioned actions are helpful to you and the issue being fought. However we live in a very different time. Not everything that worked years previously for suffragettes will have the same effect today. I see people mentioning a sex strike but this won't work as well as there is the option of porn. A relationship strike, both romantic and not, could be more effective example if you're dating, stop. If you're not treated exceptionally well in a relationship, leave. (This should be a standard upheld regardless). If you need your car fixed, find a female mechanic. Use female doctors etc. It's harsh and divisive but until we are taken seriously ie respected the action or consequence needs to be upheld to yield real accountability and responsibility. This is men's making, they should start to help. I hate with a passion that women are always forced to be the ones to uphold accountability and responsibility first. Grassroot actions are what will educate a weak mindset, not mainstream media etc which is why all the above are good actions but having conversations, questioning mindsets and forming new outlooks are key at base level. And relations strike is a consequence and starting point. Does anyone else have more tactics to share to end patriarchy?
We need to take the offensive regarding unplanned pregnancy and abortion and point to the cause: men's ejaculations. We need stricter laws to ensure men are held responsible for pregnancy. We will probably never win the fight against men seeing us as incubators for babies. But even conservatives have recognized that pregnancy is risky and hard on the body. Let's roll with that and push the narrative that pregnancy is labor. Labor should be compensated. I dunno, but any laws that force men to feel consequences when there are unplanned pregnancies are needed.