Welcome New Members!
Check this post for a step-by-step guide for new membership!
Step 1: Accounts less than 1 week old can only post 10 item(s) per day. This is just to help us with moderation and spam while we get the forum/website off the ground. If you'd like to spend 1 of your 10 posts saying hello to us so we know your account is up and running, please do so in the comments below!
Step 2: Your default username is your email address. If you want it to be something else, please follow the Instructions here
Step 3: Read our Forum Rules and learn how we enforce forum rules.
Step 4: Learn how to Practice proper internet safety.
Step 5: Download the app and follow all the categories! The app makes navigating the forum easier.
Step 6: Familiarize Yourself with Our More Controversial Opinions
Step 7 : Send us questions/comments about your account here.
Step 8: Apply for a verified membership to have full access to the forums!
Step 9: Adjust Your Notification Settings
*Lurkers - You can sign up for an account here*: https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy.com/member-home-page
Hello! I was a lurker on reddit for a long time and finally decided to join the forum. I admire the FDS handbook and the focus on leveling up, self-empowerment, and having high standards. I'm really glad that I found this group, its nice to know other like minded women are out there!! ❤️
Hi :) happy to have found this group. I just stood my ground for the first time and insisted my boyfriend leave. He’s jobless, I work full time and own my own home. Basically a leach that slid in when I was looking for a good lay. Anyway two years later and it’s time to make some big changes in my life. Grant me the strength to not murder.
Hey! Just introducing myself to this platform. It’s a breath of fresh air to chat with women who aren’t d*ck dizzy 🫶
Hi! So incredibly grateful for this space where we can really be honest about the negativity that LVM bring.
Hi. I missed the subreddit, so I came here. 🌸
I applied 6 months ago and still haven’t heard anything. Is there an ETA?
Hey everyone! I have been a lurker for a while, and wasn’t strong enough to join because I was in an abusive relationship. Now that I am free, my eyes are wide open and FDS helped me take steps to understand that I can be strong and never allow myself to fall into that trap again. I love this community!
Hello, long-time Lurker, very happy to be part of a community that actually recognizes the things we have to endure as women, and how to overcome it!!
I'm currently in the process of secretly preparing to leave my marriage to a truly NVM, and FDS has been such a support to help me stay strong and keep to my goals. Thank you all for making this community, it's a lifesaver to many, especially those of us trying to build a new and better life.
Hi! I was a lurker on reddit and finding FDS changed my life. I'm finally getting out of my awful marriage to a NVM and am excited to start my new life. The podcast has been keeping me motivated, and I'm so grateful for the encouragement to finally put myself first.
The notification settings link is broken.
Curious how to stop getting in-app notifications on random posts. I turned all of my own off but get bombarded w so many that I can’t tell when someone replies to me.
Found you queens after having some questions and reading a post on Reddit about how basically every female-only and feminist sub had been banned, and wondering why subs like /mensrights had not. Queue the anxiety after lurking through some of those posts o.O
So I started googling and FINALLY found this group. I listened to the first episode I could find of the podcast and just happy cried for the duration! I’m so glad to be here!
30/F :)
Hi, I have been lurking on the subreddit before it got archived. I'm glad that the main activity is now here, not on Reddit where plenty of lvm were taking a glance at posts to mock us or spread hate, or just for their own entertainment.
FDS has really opened my eyes. I'm happy that such community exists!
I was a lurker on the former subreddit and this forum for about a year. FDS has totally transformed my priorities and views about relationships in a way that I believe is personally best for me. Thank you so much to all of you lovely, wise ladies here <3
Hello, I’m trying to verify my account and I’ve gotten to the step of DM on Instagram. I DMed 10 days ago and it was never opened. How long is this process normally? I also purchased Patreon because I thought it was a fast track and while I’m enjoying it, it seems that there’s no automatic way to connect Patreon and Spaces. Any advice would help please🥺
Hello, I was originally on the subreddit, but then saw it was gone or rather in archive mode. I'm glad to be back amongst you lovely ladies.
I’m so happy to have found you queens. 32/f and wanting a dose of high value everything x
Hello! Former FDS redditor here now ENGAGED to my dream HVM! I want to keep surrounding myself with queen energy so the standards never drop and the vetting never stops <3
Hello! Long time lurker on the reddit sub. I am 26 and will soon get hounded to get myself a husband. So I decided to do one good thing for myself and join this space.
Hello! Been missing the Reddit but keeping up with the podcasts :) Glad I finally got around to signing up here
Hello! Missed FDS on Reddit, long time lurker so happy to have a community!