Mid-Luteal Progesterone Is Inversely Associated with Premenstrual Food Cravings
as if you needed another reason to balance your hormones...
scientists speculate about the neuroprotective properties of progesterone and how they might guard women against addiction (how cool is that?). could this be one of the reasons why some of us are ultra-sensitive to scrotery before our periods?? 😂
My appetite increases and I crave sweets and fried crap before my period. And don't even get me started on the bloating...I'm bloated now. It's funny, every month I always ask why the hell my stomach looks bigger 😅
I have chronically low progesterone, like it’s so far off the charts it’s ridiculous. I started progesterone only pill but it made me so hungry it was crazy so I stopped but I’m thinking maybe I should take it for half the month?