My apologies if this is in the wrong category but I thought that it was best to go here.
I just wanted to remind us all that rejection is true protection from the wrong person. I was just on Google when I saw an article on the new bachelor for the show The Bachelor and it reminded me of a season of Bachelor in Paradise that had Tia and Colton on it. If anyone watches the show, you'll know that Colton dated Tia before going onto the season of The Bachelorette which had Becca as the bachelorette who turned out to be one of Tia's good friends. Colton had apparently ghosted Tia, only to then surface on TV! Imagine finding out that a guy you're seeing, ghosts you and ends up trying to get married to someone else on TV!
Colton and Becca:

Tia was, not surprisingly, not okay with this when she found out and Becca found it awkward trying to date her friend's ex. Tia came onto the show and told Colton how much she liked him and not so subtly asked for him to leave and go back to dating her. Becca eventually dumped Colton because she repeatedly felt awkward dating her friend's ex and he ended up on the season of Bachelor in Paradise with Tia. Tia sunk to a new low when she cried and begged him to give her a chance. She wanted them to become exclusive and after a lot of pleading on her part, her asked her to be his girlfriend........only for their relationship to fall apart soon after and to make it worse.....Colton came out as gay! This explained his emotional unavailability that she complained about and why he said that he found it hard to connect to her and exes from his past.
I say all this to say: if a guy rejects you, let him go. Don't cry or beg. There's a reason you and him aren't meant to be. Don't waste your time on the wrong guy when you can make room for the right guy to come into your life.
Colton and Tia:

Tia crying over Colton not wanting to commit to her:

His coming out story:
People in general need to be adults and not take rejection so personally. Assuming there isnt intentional, malicious cruelty, rejection doesnt necessarily say anything about either party, other than that the two of you weren’t a fit.
This is true. I've seen only three truly HV relationships in my life. In all of these the men love their wives more than and would never even think of hurting them or leaving them.
This disgusting scrote was able to put on a whole show (literally & figuratively) to lead women on and deceive them.. not to mention all those sloppy smooching moments of him with Cassie on camera..only for him to turn out homo!! These down low scrotes are a special kind of misogyny! They use women as a scapegoat to hide. But society claps for them and gives them a cookie once they come out forgetting all those women who had their Hearts broken, hopes up & time wasted by some confused down low scrote who wanted to thrive on the expense of women! Straight or are gonna use women, whether it was for companionship, attention, time, cooked meals, money, a trophie to impress his bro-sexuals or as a beard. Y'all are dead wrong if you think men only use women for sex.
Is this the one that was still a virgin at like 39? And he also harassed the woman he ended up with by putting a tracker on her car, being violent and abusive etc? Then he came out and the liberal media just sweeper it under the rug?