Danny Masterson convicted for rape after 2 decades. Dude got sentenced to 30 YEARS! High profile cases send a clear message that not only will the women not take the abuse "laying down" but also that there are CONSEQUENSES for rape. It's not just a he said, she said where we always listen to the man anymore.
The news makes me sad most days. Today at least there was some justice served in the media. Huzzah!
I'm into the death penalty for this kind of shit. It's not like robbing someone of money or jewelry. Rape takes away a sense of bodiliy autonomy that a person truly just can't usually get back. In a sense, it does ruin lives. Scrotes who say otherwise are rape-apologists.
Prison is free housing where rapists can all sit around and tell each other how innocent they are.
Glad he got at least 30 years. Spend thee majority of his life in prison.
Part of me thinks this is also a message and a warning from the world towards the scientology community "we will keep uncovering the deviance you put upon others."
I have another perspective: he got away with it for a very long time, like many of the others finally and at long last convicted of crimes against women, and probably all because other MEN wanted him out of the way and used women again as the vehicle to do it. It also shuts women down with with patriarchy-protecting PR with, “see, something is being done” and give us the illusion of progress.
This is the type of sentence I like to see. He won't be eligible for parole until 72.
Oh wow he was convicted months ago. It took this long for a sentencing.
Not sure of the details of this case, but how bizarre. Men usually get a slap on the wrist for this kind of thing, even if they ARE convicted. (Because poor perps and ruining their lives etc) Let's watch what happens next, and how any appeals go, if they are granted.