Unhinged TradWife is telling Women we were created to be mothers, wives and homemakers AKA doormats to Men. I saw this on tiktok, some of her clips are going viral. I actually can’t stand pick me Women. She’s acting like Women “need” this, it’s actually Men who benefit far more from a traditional relationships.
Ladies, What are your thoughts?
It’s so funny how men have a right to be humans by default and have careers and dreams that does not include fatherhood and being a provider.
I as a woman have a right to support myself financially without a man being present. Money is your knight in shining armor, education are doors that never closed in your face.
Men’s love is transactional, they love you less when you start aging. They are more likely to abandon you within the first year of having a baby and your first year of cancer treatment.
Men are stingy with you but are generous with the woman he wants to replace you with. Men have religion and society on their side yet they drop out more and can’t even combat the male loneliness epidemic by themselves.
I will never be guilty tripped by some washed up leather bag telling me feminism is a lie to sign off my rights and be dependent on men.
And men were created to be fathers, kind loving leaders, good husbands with a lot of money to keep his family thriving. And be a loyal virtuous man.
Yet vast majority of males fail to do that. Where is her scolding for them?
This specific woman has been at this for a while. It's best to just ignore her, she's irrelevant unless you're an uber fundie.
She has her own subforum on FundieSnark, even fundies themselves call her out lol. Literally Mrs Midwest etc.
Apparently her husband is cheating on her so this is a coping mechanism.
Men were created to die in pointless wars then according to this logic