I hate when people backslide to this absolute nonsense. People with "all lives matter" signs and social media posts weren't tolerated for being pedantic at best, and aggressively racist contrarians at worst, but women will cow before "abortion is men's rights too"?! I had this revelation after stewing on how much this pissed me off, and I finally pinpointed it. Please spread the word to everyone who will listen, perhaps some pickmes will finally realize how much they self-sabotage. The people who drank the progressive punch and believe in calling women "uterus-havers" might realize they need to check themselves.
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Abortion is men's rights Feminism is for men Women can be violent too Not all men A man who says this is a full on scrote who deserves no woman's time
3rd Rule of Misogyny: Women speaking for themselves are exclusionary and selfish.
5th Rule of Misogyny: Feminism must be useful to men or it is worthless.
8th Rule of Misogyny: Men are whatever men say they are and women are whatever men say they are.
I just wanted to add that we are approaching the argument completely wrong when we try to remind them that women will die. They like that part, that’s not helping us. We need to remind them that we will be collecting child support and we will have to take time off work for all the forced births.
We need to ask about when they’re going to raise taxes to pay for all the orphanages that will need to be opened to handle all the unwanted children.
Because it's not bad enough that Roe V Wade will affect over 50% of the population... it's only a REAL problem if it affects men.
I am progressive AF and this pisses me off too. I enjoyed watching a woman school Josh Hawley because he sucks, but I really angered me to see so much time spent arguing semantics.
Thank you for spelling it out in a way that will click for people. It REALLY is like “All Lives Matter”.
I would love a world that could accommodate the fluidity required to suit everyone but, in reality, we cannot achieve gender neutrality without first achieving gender equality.
It may sound backwards to some, I know, but the first step to changing things at all, is hitting the patriarchy and trying to eradicate misogyny.
In a world ruled by these, men will victimise the same people no matter how they identify.
Changing terminology, although important, won’t stop someone being abused/raped etc.
No matter what we refer to ourselves as, it only matters within the company you’re in and how accepting they are with it. Horrible but It’s reality unfortunately.
It also seems so strange to me that men can be men but the word “woman” is being replaced with terms like these. Why are they not referred to as ejaculators? It all seems a bit hypocritical but it’s a hard subject to approach as people instantly get defensive. Think they assume we’re attacking them when actually they’re attacking us.
Men don't need abortions. They already have a choice. They make that choice when they decide to put their semen into a woman.
I had to revisit this thread to add this article that absolutely infuriates me. I’m sorry if it should be a new political thread, I felt like it might be more applicable here. We really do have to talk about how it hurts man in order to get reproductive rights for ourselves and I hate it so much I can’t even.