A few years ago, I decided to level up in my social life by cutting off 1) all male friends and 2) all female friends who were not FDS-aligned. My reasoning was that male friends are not your real friends, and pickmes would not be able to relate to my level-up.
The unfortunate result is that I have no friends anymore. (Fortunately, I have family, so I'm not totally alone.) I would like to make new friends who are not men or pickmes, but I'm not sure how to proceed, as I live in a small city that does not have a thriving social scene.
Has anyone else found themselves in this situation?
I relate to this so much. I live in Germany and the culture here is very much 50/50... So much so that a close female friend cut me off last night because I joked about not wanting to date our common friend because he doesn't have a driver's license. Women who have high standards are treated like the devil.
I would suggest joining some local Facebook groups for common interests. That way, you can meet women who live near you, and you can also check out their profile to see if they have pickme-ish or FDS-leaning vibes before you suggest to hang out. Radfem women are the best IMO! Join a radfem group! Not just for friends but in general:)
I've heard Instagram can also be good to make friends, but I personally hate Instagram, so it's not for me.
Edit: I also use Bumble BFF, I've made some great female friends there! Good luck:)
I'm in this situation, except all my family lives out of state as well so I only see them maybe a few times a year. It's tough, but most of my hobbies are all solitary ones so I'm able to keep myself busy enough not to feel lonely all the time. I don't have much advice for finding IRL friends who are in alignment as most people are not very good people. I've browsed MeetUp groups in my area but have yet to bring myself to one lol