I saw a tweet last night that being a father spending time with their kid is exhausting their kid of energy by ranting and "mansplaining" a topic that the kid asked the parent about. The kid asking the father a "why" question.
I remember my father used to rant for hours endlessly in unproductive rants about topics thinking he was being a father and this was his duty. That reads to me more like a type of emotional abuse or harassment-lite mode because he often didn't allow me to walk away either.
It wasn't a civil conversation, it was not a discussion, it was my dad ranting about topics he was not an expert on. It's no different than someone asking me a question, me opening up wikipedia and reading off the page. Besides a lot of men are not experts in the things that they rant about. They just pick a topic and talk endlessly acting as if they were scholars on the topic.
I don't think that should be encouraged with men to think that when asked a question, they need to mansplain relentlessly to exhaust someone of energy in their initial question? That's not civilized. I don't have kids or want them but I don't see how that's a productive use of parenting time to just rant at the clouds about nonsense. It'd be like me going to work and just mashing the keyboard and still expecting payment for showing up.
Plus I don't know how that's an acceptable thing to enable an adult to do to another human being is ranting to them to exhaustion. Men do that to women even in the dating scene. They remain persistent even if told no.
I shit you not... I stopped at an auto parts store a couple nights ago because my car was having issues. A guy was helping me look at things that could be wrong under the hood (we were looking for loose hoses) and I decided to put a little oil in it while we were there as I was worried I may have an oil leak. I had checked the oil before I left to the store and knew I needed just a little bit more.
I pulled out the oil I carry around and went back to my trunk to get my funnel. When I came back to the hood, he was pouring almost the whole quart in. I didn't even want him to do it, never told or asked him to. I told him, "No no, stop, it doesn't need very much I just put quite a bit in it."
This fucking MAN looked at me and said, "I've been doing this a long time" while laughing and staring me dead in the eye while he poured the WHOLE quart in. I maybe needed 1/4 of what he put in, if even that... I was absolutely pissed... I am not stupid and I know my car extremely well.
When I checked the oil, it was way way wayyyy past the fill line. I had to get a new oil change (I just got one last month) to fix the problem.
I almost made a post along these same exact lines.
With the lecturing... Most males talk AT women. Long-winded diatribes (which I have to endure from my father every time I call him for car advice or anything else). He does help me, but it comes with a slough of shit. Older men seem to be the worst with this.
I believe they ARE absolutely trying to deplete our energy. It's just a test to see if they can wear you down enough into just shutting the f up. You're not supposed to have thoughts or input. I also think they can't get anyone else in the real world to listen to them, so when they get someone in their sights they view as weaker or dumber (aka kids and/or all women in their minds), they just unload.
It's awful and I have no answers for it. But I am in my 30s and am totally exhausted of mansplaining bs and men acting like we are their sounding board for the incorrect and useless knowledge they have that absolutely nobody cares about.
I'm also sick of old lonely scrotes trying to tell me their whole life story randomly throughout the day. Nobody cares, guy. Nobody.
99.99% of the time, I regret asking any scrote a question. I will usually try to find a way to avoid a scenario where I have to ask them anything if I can help it.
They generally don't know shit, but sure love to play pretend like they do to any poor woman in their vicinity.
Men just will not shut the fuck up, regardless of how obviously boring they are. I'm always hearing excuses like autism and 'some men can't read social cues!!'. Okay, but the majority of men in the world are not autistic. They just don't care. They hear us trying to cut in after they've been talking for 15 minutes non-stop. They see us glazing over and looking for exits. They fucking follow us from room to room. They pick random women in buses/trains/the supermarket to talk at. Because they know most are too polite or exhausted to say stfu. Doing it to their children gives them an extra power trip, since young kids aren't aware enough to know their fathers are full of shit. It definitely is abuse to fill children's lives with endless negative droning.
Mansplaining is something done by men who don't know how to talk to women. I've never seen a guy who can at least approach a woman successfully try to mansplain a damn thing. If you can, just walk away or make up and excuse to walk away. Yeah it's seen as rude and they'll probably call you a bitch, but who cares? They're rude for acting entitled to your time.
My father is so guilty of this. I used to think he was the smartest person that ever lived. It's only a couple of years when I noticed he really isn't. He's just louder than the next person.