He is a stand up comedian and there two of his shows on netflix. The one called "puzzle" in particular is very interesting to me. I think it fits perfectly intro the fds mentality and way of life. His point is that every one of us spends their life making their own puzzle, adding slowly each piece (family, friends, work etc.), but sometimes we get with someone nd even if his puzzle doesn't fit into ours, we change and destroy our puzzle just to be able to fit his piece. We do this because we think that being lonely is the worst thing that could ever happen, even worse than destroying our entire puzzle.
I find this to be a fantastic metaphor, even though it is extremely sad and hard to accept.
I encourage you to watch this😊
Yes I’ve heard of this! I was lucky to stumble across the clip the moment my LVM ex and I broke up. I was codependent and realised I needed to stop destroying my perfectly wonderful “garden” (which is my own version/analogy like the puzzle) by protecting a stupid little weed.
I've watched it and I love the analogy! I think he's a great comedian too
I loved the puzzle analogy. The bit had a really healthy outlook on partnering.