He's got one thing right: He is crazy and stupid for writing this.
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Comments (38)
Unknown member
Jan 05, 2023
And no one believes that a woman wrote this, right? We're not going to entertain the posssibiity that OP is a girl, are we? Because it couldn't be more obvious that this is a male sock puppet. After all, men aren't very smart or clever.
Pornsick, and probably under age 14. He still deserves a smack to the mouth, though.
Unknown member
Jan 05, 2023
The Y chromosome is a disease. Men are geneticaly inferior, and that's why they die younger, and that's a fact. Unlike the Y chromosome-afflicted freak who wrote that post, I'm NOT dumb or crazy.
Unknown member
Jan 06, 2023
Replying to
That first sentence was crazy
No truer sentence has been stated
Unknown member
Jan 06, 2023
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50? Ma'am you good?Men's sperm is dust at 45, the genetic material is fucked up at 35 and their dicks can't get hard after 30.
Unknown member
Jan 06, 2023
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Hahaha I was gonna say, the males are gonna think I'm a misandrist psycho for saying men expire at the ripe old age of 50. But those are the same motherfuckers who say "women" peak at SIXTEEN YEARS OLD. Relatively speaking, I just paid men a compliment!
So, if women aren’t useful to men then we should be dead? Just murder us all at 30 like Logan’s Run? Men who view women only as appliances built for them to use and discard deserve to live and die alone in impoverished misery or die young of a toenail infection they refused to get treated.
This makes me think of all the women who married and had kids only for their husband to kick them out during menopause after the kids went to college because “he didn’t need her anymore” and wanted to chase young women.… only to realize too late that young women aren’t going to wash his socks, schedule his doctor appointments, and put up with his sleep apnea and chronic bad breath. But go off.
Never mind that, they actually think that young women in their 20's would be attracted to them when they're 40 plus. And we all know that most men don't even take care of themselves physically either.
Unknown member
Jan 05, 2023
"I know I am being crazy and stupid." No, you are being mentally ill. Seek help.
This person is definitely a scrote. Not even pickmes would write something like that.I don't understand why men always act like we lose "value" after a certain age. They say that and then continue to jerk off to "MILF" porn and some of them even watch granny porn. They can't accept the fact that older women can still be attractive and some guys will still be into them.
Why is this even posted here? People have fucked up misogynistic views: what else is new? Are we going to share every incel post we come across now? I don't see what value or strategy this post is adding to our lives. This is nothing new.
I’ve been seeing a lot of Preddit posts and I don’t mind, but I have seen a lot of members upset by these posts and rightfully so. I feel like mods should limit or ban these posts
I’m just reporting any Reddit reposts now. Hopefully the mods take them down if enough of us report them. We left Reddit and majority of us hate the male depravity and Reddit reposts, yet they keep being brought over here.
Unknown member
Jan 05, 2023
Lmao-Is this for real? This would be the type of post I would make to show liberal feminist how retarded male logic is. But swap die with duces 🏃♀️. Women should leave men with kids after a certain age and go off to do whatever they please. As women age they lose value to men and since men dictate a woman's value- she is useless and should be free of her chains. Why can't a woman have the time of her life and leave men with the kids?Men built this world and children do need their fathers- I never heard anyone saying how children need their mothers. I also think women shouldn't get married as it doesn't benefit men- who are our gods. Women should stay single and you know what? They shouldn't have children either since a child will damage the body of a woman and burden our Gods' peepees" ability to get hard. On that thought train- women shouldn't have sex with men since men (the ones who built this world) told us that sleeping with them ONCE devalues us a tremendous amount (no longer a virgin). Actually- I think women should just fuck off and leave our gods alone since we are nothing but a burden to them. Since they built the world and two men created the first woman (eve came from God pulling a rib out of Adam therefore making God eve's father and grandfather and Adam her brother father and husband) then men should have no problem continuing the huMAN race 😌I absolutely see nothing wrong with this post- shame on you for mocking them.They are playing 200iq 5d chess 😡
Also like…. Whether or not you want it to be true, we DO outlive men. Take it up with Mother Nature, scrote, she’s the one that designed you to die off before us.
Unknown member
Jan 05, 2023
Troll post but if not, let’s say all the women die at 40. There wouldn’t be enough women around, so the men would have to fight each other for their chance to have us.
I'm sorry for writing this but isn't this starting to feel like trash posting? Seeing disgusting reddit posts on here that bring zero value and bring you down is just not nice. And it seems like a lunatic wrote it...
What a load of bs. If this LARPing scrote or mega pickme had their way, who would look after the pOrE mEnZ when all the women are gone?
We all know they can't look after themselves. Look at that one old man someone did a post about whose mother moved into the care home to look after him. Half of the men you see on the street clearly aren't even capable of basic grooming or self care. The average 40 year old woman looks that age or younger. The average 40 year old man looks about 93 and liable to croak at any minute.
I'd waste time getting angry but this is preddit - when the scrotes aren't LARPing, they're trolling. And when they're not trolling, they're straight up rage baiting.
This is written by a woman and not a man. Read the language carefully. She should be in a mental institution and she is probably a stupid feminist. Dear god help me .. no brain cells. How dumb can one be? If she sees herself as a low value sexual object. That’s her issue. Clearly she won’t bring value to anyone with her head of hers that’s empty. What an idiot .. I just can’t.
Edit to add - if this was written by a scrote, I don't even know what to say. Maybe if all women die, they won't be tortured, sexually objectified or have to deal with sick men like him. I hope all sick men like him rot in hell and get fried.
And no one believes that a woman wrote this, right? We're not going to entertain the posssibiity that OP is a girl, are we? Because it couldn't be more obvious that this is a male sock puppet. After all, men aren't very smart or clever.
The Y chromosome is a disease. Men are geneticaly inferior, and that's why they die younger, and that's a fact. Unlike the Y chromosome-afflicted freak who wrote that post, I'm NOT dumb or crazy.
So, if women aren’t useful to men then we should be dead? Just murder us all at 30 like Logan’s Run? Men who view women only as appliances built for them to use and discard deserve to live and die alone in impoverished misery or die young of a toenail infection they refused to get treated.
This makes me think of all the women who married and had kids only for their husband to kick them out during menopause after the kids went to college because “he didn’t need her anymore” and wanted to chase young women.… only to realize too late that young women aren’t going to wash his socks, schedule his doctor appointments, and put up with his sleep apnea and chronic bad breath. But go off.
"I know I am being crazy and stupid." No, you are being mentally ill. Seek help.
This person is definitely a scrote. Not even pickmes would write something like that. I don't understand why men always act like we lose "value" after a certain age. They say that and then continue to jerk off to "MILF" porn and some of them even watch granny porn. They can't accept the fact that older women can still be attractive and some guys will still be into them.
Why is this even posted here? People have fucked up misogynistic views: what else is new? Are we going to share every incel post we come across now? I don't see what value or strategy this post is adding to our lives. This is nothing new.
Lmao-Is this for real? This would be the type of post I would make to show liberal feminist how retarded male logic is. But swap die with duces 🏃♀️. Women should leave men with kids after a certain age and go off to do whatever they please. As women age they lose value to men and since men dictate a woman's value- she is useless and should be free of her chains. Why can't a woman have the time of her life and leave men with the kids? Men built this world and children do need their fathers- I never heard anyone saying how children need their mothers. I also think women shouldn't get married as it doesn't benefit men- who are our gods. Women should stay single and you know what? They shouldn't have children either since a child will damage the body of a woman and burden our Gods' peepees" ability to get hard. On that thought train- women shouldn't have sex with men since men (the ones who built this world) told us that sleeping with them ONCE devalues us a tremendous amount (no longer a virgin). Actually- I think women should just fuck off and leave our gods alone since we are nothing but a burden to them. Since they built the world and two men created the first woman (eve came from God pulling a rib out of Adam therefore making God eve's father and grandfather and Adam her brother father and husband) then men should have no problem continuing the huMAN race 😌 I absolutely see nothing wrong with this post- shame on you for mocking them. They are playing 200iq 5d chess 😡
if “she” believes so strongly “she” shouldn’t live past a certain age then “she” is fully capable of solving “her” problem
Also like…. Whether or not you want it to be true, we DO outlive men. Take it up with Mother Nature, scrote, she’s the one that designed you to die off before us.
Troll post but if not, let’s say all the women die at 40. There wouldn’t be enough women around, so the men would have to fight each other for their chance to have us.
I'm sorry for writing this but isn't this starting to feel like trash posting? Seeing disgusting reddit posts on here that bring zero value and bring you down is just not nice. And it seems like a lunatic wrote it...
What a load of bs. If this LARPing scrote or mega pickme had their way, who would look after the pOrE mEnZ when all the women are gone?
We all know they can't look after themselves. Look at that one old man someone did a post about whose mother moved into the care home to look after him. Half of the men you see on the street clearly aren't even capable of basic grooming or self care. The average 40 year old woman looks that age or younger. The average 40 year old man looks about 93 and liable to croak at any minute.
I'd waste time getting angry but this is preddit - when the scrotes aren't LARPing, they're trolling. And when they're not trolling, they're straight up rage baiting.
If you read carefully, you'll see this is a woman writing:
"I believe we are basically designed for pleasing men and bearing child and have values only for 20 years".
The author is definitely a sociopath. I love my mom and my grandma. I wish all moms and grandmas good health and long life.
Yeah, what about grandmothers? https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/02/07/692088371/living-near-your-grandmother-has-evolutionary-benefits
I'm very disappointed to learn that I can't have sex once I'm menopausal. /s
Did not know thirty was middle aged now. That’s fucking hilarious 😂😂😂
I hope this person's grandmother doesn't see this, wth...
This must be a joke. This can’t be written seriously
This is written by a woman and not a man. Read the language carefully. She should be in a mental institution and she is probably a stupid feminist. Dear god help me .. no brain cells. How dumb can one be? If she sees herself as a low value sexual object. That’s her issue. Clearly she won’t bring value to anyone with her head of hers that’s empty. What an idiot .. I just can’t.
Edit to add - if this was written by a scrote, I don't even know what to say. Maybe if all women die, they won't be tortured, sexually objectified or have to deal with sick men like him. I hope all sick men like him rot in hell and get fried.