A pickme in my nursing school did a presentation on male PPD. I was so glad when my instructor said, "Yeahhh I don't know about that. Females definitely can experience it, though." You could just see how miffed the pickme was about it.
I'll never understand the amount of effort some PickMes spend highlighting an issue for men when it's barely (if at all) an issue for them compared to women. I refuse to choose to help men where I can help a woman. I loved it when Lillith said she carries cash to give to homeless women but refuses do help men , for example. I always remember that when incidents like the one you mention occur.
Unknown member
Dec 19, 2022
Replying to
Men can experience ppd across the world when they have no idea the women they impregnated just gave birth?? 🤔 this whole male ppd sounds alot like jealousy/men being the disgusting beasts that they are.
As one Queen put it back on the-site-who-shall-not-be-named when we were discussing how childish men could be when our attention is diverted from them to a freaking infant that actually needs 24/7 care,
Poor baby girl and poor wife, damn! Please, tell me she recorded what he's been saying and is getting a divorce from that psycho. So she says they both wanted to become parents but I have a feeling he wanted to be the father of a boy.
JFC. Doesn’t it say so much about the grooming and manipulation we go through when this woman doesn’t immediately grab that baby girl and head for the door? What in the fuck? He’d never be allowed near us again if he were my husband. Fucking psychopath.
Unknown member
Dec 16, 2022
Hoping this is troll post
Unknown member
Dec 17, 2022
don't even wanna imagine what he's planning on doing with this little girl once the gets a little bigger...
this also sounds like setting up for gaslighting. if she tells their friends, family or the authorities, he's going to call her crazy. everone will side with him because he seems to be the sweetest guy, caring father, so proud of his beby girl.
She needs to record him cursing at their baby, go to the police, get a restraining order, full custody with no visitation, and LEAVE. He sounds like a future serial killer.
The police do not involve themselves in domestic disputes. They will say “har har I hated my kids when they were babies too, babies suck, har har, everything’s fine.”
I’ve yet to meet a man who can handle the first year of a baby —the sleep deprivation, the completely changing your routines and schedule around the baby, the not being able to do what you want when you want. Zero. Men tend to either magically need to work early and late simultaneously to avoid the baby or they hide in the bathroom or another room so the mom has to meet all the baby’s needs. Eventually the sleep deprived mother awakes from her brain fog, realizes her man isn’t helping at all, and either leaves him or refuses to have any more children (which child-hating men do frequently ask for). Same old story.
Men could be good dads, but they don’t want to because it requires them to change who you are and do what the child needs and wants over themselves. It’s expected from women, but men act like it’s asking them to cut off their own hands.
Aka why I’m a single mom who will never have more kids.
If this happens to you, the police won’t care unless he physically harms the child. Don’t say a word to him. Don’t confront him. Call a women’s dv shelter and ask for a safety plan for getting the f*ck out. The sooner you get away with a young baby, the less parental rights and visitation time he can claim in family court—especially if your breastfeeding. Leaving before you give birth is the best option as you may be able to prevent his involvement at all and it is the mother’s choice to keep the father off the birth certificate in many countries.
scrote wants to nut in his partner, becomes shocked when she gets pregnant, then resents baby for existing with his cooperation.
what else is new?
Additionally, I find the whole 'men also experience PPD' conversation problematic. What is it with men being such losers nowadays?
His behavior is a form of domestic violence. Hope they get away from this pathological abuser.
Men are trash
that baby isn’t safe. what a sick man to do that
I hope this is a troll post, but if not, that poor poor woman!! Imagine just giving birth and realizing your baby is in danger like this.
As one Queen put it back on the-site-who-shall-not-be-named when we were discussing how childish men could be when our attention is diverted from them to a freaking infant that actually needs 24/7 care,
"She got a new baby. I hate it."
Poor baby girl and poor wife, damn! Please, tell me she recorded what he's been saying and is getting a divorce from that psycho. So she says they both wanted to become parents but I have a feeling he wanted to be the father of a boy.
Praying for her to RUN
JFC. Doesn’t it say so much about the grooming and manipulation we go through when this woman doesn’t immediately grab that baby girl and head for the door? What in the fuck? He’d never be allowed near us again if he were my husband. Fucking psychopath.
Hoping this is troll post
don't even wanna imagine what he's planning on doing with this little girl once the gets a little bigger...
this also sounds like setting up for gaslighting. if she tells their friends, family or the authorities, he's going to call her crazy. everone will side with him because he seems to be the sweetest guy, caring father, so proud of his beby girl.
men are scum.
I hope this is a fake story designed for massive shock value.
She needs to record him cursing at their baby, go to the police, get a restraining order, full custody with no visitation, and LEAVE. He sounds like a future serial killer.
I’ve yet to meet a man who can handle the first year of a baby —the sleep deprivation, the completely changing your routines and schedule around the baby, the not being able to do what you want when you want. Zero. Men tend to either magically need to work early and late simultaneously to avoid the baby or they hide in the bathroom or another room so the mom has to meet all the baby’s needs. Eventually the sleep deprived mother awakes from her brain fog, realizes her man isn’t helping at all, and either leaves him or refuses to have any more children (which child-hating men do frequently ask for). Same old story.
Men could be good dads, but they don’t want to because it requires them to change who you are and do what the child needs and wants over themselves. It’s expected from women, but men act like it’s asking them to cut off their own hands.
Aka why I’m a single mom who will never have more kids.
If this happens to you, the police won’t care unless he physically harms the child. Don’t say a word to him. Don’t confront him. Call a women’s dv shelter and ask for a safety plan for getting the f*ck out. The sooner you get away with a young baby, the less parental rights and visitation time he can claim in family court—especially if your breastfeeding. Leaving before you give birth is the best option as you may be able to prevent his involvement at all and it is the mother’s choice to keep the father off the birth certificate in many countries.