This is from 2016, but its still valid.
"Dating is about courtship. Traditionally, men have been the ones to do the pursuing when it came to dating. They had to prove to a woman (and probably her family) that he was serious about getting to know her and being part of her life. This required effort."
The amount of men and pick-mes who don't get it is astounding to me.
I think part of the problem is that women have been raised to believe we have no intrinsic value. The concept of having someone pay for our time seems insane if you think your time has no worth.
Men want traditional partners until it's about the bills, then all of the sudden they want you to adapt to modern ideologies. You either give back what you expect from women or you piss off. Want 50/50? Ok then you will also carry the burden of 50/50 such as 50/50 in the household.
Want a traditional wife? then you must carry the burden of maintaining her and the whole house by being a traditional husband. You don't get to cherry pick.
It's a tangible investment, this isn't a difficult concept
Just having a woman in a scrotes presence and being seen together already adds value to his life.
As women we need to see that he has manners, is generous, and willing to provide as well as take us out and impress us.
Dating is high risk for women. We are biologically designed to get feelings especially after sleeping with someone, and now we don't have legal access to abortions, even getting a renewal for a birth control pill has been a hassle at some of my gynos.
There's also the safety aspect of dating: the reality is most men ARE bigger and physically stronger than us and will be able to overpower us and harm/rape us if they wanted to. Now think about when you're in an intimate scenario especially if hes on top of you - it's extremely easy for him to overpower you and for things to get bad fast.
That's why a man need to plan and pay for proper dates.
From the original article he's arguing against:
"Men paying for meals may have made more sense when fewer women worked outside the home — and those who did faced a bigger gender wage gap — but today, unmarried women earn, on average, almost as much as single men."
On what planet??
The wage gap hasn't improved in 20 years, according to data put out by the Pew Research Group just this week. We still earn 82 cents for every man's dollar. Of course a man would say 1/5 isn't a big difference, until you try to take that money out of HIS pocket.
The wage gap's fueled in part by women's unpaid labor, which is worth $10 trillion dollars a year.
Anecdotally, I can't tell you how many women I know who've been run out of jobs or entire careers by male sabotage and sexual harassment. I had two female colleagues call me up crying about it just this month.
I myself was repeatedly ignored for training and promotions at my last job even though I outperformed most of the men, but you can be sure my boss threatened to sue me when I resigned and sabotage my job move.
Men fail up while women crawl over broken glass for a fraction of the pay and recognition. I'll be dead and buried before I spend my money on a man. We're not the same.