Why do men bitterly envy the "bad boy" in womens past? This is what I mean:
Her: "my ex boyfriend was horrible, he was not a good person and he didn't treat me well."
Like a girl will say her ex boyfriend is toxic and instead of saying "wow that's terrible" like a woman would if her man had a toxic ex girlfriend, they get jealous that he can't violate her boundaries and hurt her anymore. They literrally envy and fantasize about being the abuser, and consider it amusing to be toxic. Men consider being nice, kind, and loving towards their partner to be simping. I think a lot of men resent being nice and deeply wish they could hurt their partners because if this weren't the case, we wouldn't see such bitter envy towards the abuser when a woman decides she won't put up with poor treatment anymore. I think they get emasculated or humiliated doing minor things like paying for a date, holding the door open, or being a gentleman.
Stay away from those men. Seriously, run. They're most likely abusers. Abusers resent having to actually ... Be nice in order to be known as a nice person. My ex was exactly like that. He expected a medal for not living the fuckboi / red pill / macho lifestyle and envied men who "got away" with their assholery. Ugh. He thought women should "reward" men like him for being so nice, when actual nice men would not even think about that. It's one of the biggest turn offs I can think of.
They see other men getting the perks while not having to do the "hard work" of behaving like a ducking human being. How dare women feel entitled to basic respect?
I have noticed this so often!! They want a free pass to violate her too. Why should another scrote benefit from her compromised boundaries and self esteem?
Ah. The LVM pastime. Such males are warped beyond redemption. It’s a very easy way to suss out lvm mentality. The overarching belief of low value males that aspire to wealth/status is because they believe acquiring status gives them the right to abuse scot free. And society reinforces this. They believe it is their god given right. Money=right to mistreat. And how dare you complain you worthless gold digger?? Even women with low self esteem (which women do have as a collective) affirm this belief with variations of “if you’re with a certain type of man you should know what to expect”. For the lvm, the ultimate goal is to have a hugh hefner type harem, where they can consume beautiful women like fixings for supper and alternate them like commodities. A hvm would form a negative view of any male that treated you less than a queen and will have a protective stance towards you. A lvm will envy a past scrote and resent you for not allowing similar mistreatment. Their ability to mistreat women is how they derive self worth. They can only become big by making you small.
Lie to men. I lie and tell them I was treated like an absolute goddess.I tell them I got flowers every single date. I tell them I was taken on lavish vacations, Michelin Star restaurants and given beautiful jewelry(gold necklace diamond earrings), expensive gifts, taken on shopping trips. I tell them I was a spoilt girlfriend. I tell them he wanted to propose but unfortunately it didn't work out because we wanted different things ( I didn't want kids and he did want kids). So we parted ways mutually on good terms but he was a wonderful bf and I hold him in high regard and respect for treating me so well. One truth is that I don't want kids. But the rest of the and things I have mentioned are things I have done for myself apart from buying jewelry (I cannot afford diamonds and gold lol). I just lie and say my ex did all those things for me. It's also a very effective weed out tactic. Weeds out the broke 50/50 scrotes. I want the kind of treatment Anna Bey expects from men and I'm happily willing to be forever single if I don't get it. Six figure guys don't cut it for me. They're middle class to upper middle class and not rich. I already work in STEM. I will never tell men about my true pickmeisha past where I had poor boundaries and that got me abused, beaten and humiliated by men. I was young and brainwashed to be a doormat for men by the patriarchy. There was some cultural conditioning involved as well. But the new FDS me would never tolerate disrespect ever again. It's better if men think you have always been treated well,and have high standards. They will resent you for not allowing them to treat you like a door mat when you allowed other men to do it to you in the past. Their depraved minds see that as unfair. Even HVM don't need to know your past. The old you is dead and gone. I tell them I've only been with one guy, my ex and I don't sleep with men outside a relationship.
This is a sign that a guy is actually an abuser at the "pretending to be nice" stage and he's really just pissed that she is already somewhat wise to what abuse looks like, since she has experienced it before and managed to leave, so he can't pull abusive shit as easily as he would be able to if she has less experience in that arena.
He is forced to do more of the hard work of not letting his mask slip as he works up to abusing her. But the frustration he's showing over this, is in itself his mask slipping.
Here's an old FDS Reddit post discussing the same issue about a scrote who feels resentful toward his abused girlfriend...you will find good insights given by FDSers in the comments:
I think this is especially why I will never let new men know about my past with my super abusive ex until like a year or so in, because I really just cannot trust how they are going to react to that type of sensitive information. Plus, letting men know straight away about a painful past is like blood in the water; it attracts more predators rather than sweet men who want to make you feel better.
I guess it’s kind of like if you started working for a company that has new leadership, and someone tells you about the old days, when everybody just showed up, fucked off all day, and got paid anyway, but now everybody has to WORK.
some people would think "well, what a terrible way to run a company. No wonder it's under new management.", but a lot of people would be envious of the people who got to fuck off and get paid for all that time. They might even think about how if they did any work at all, the old management would have thought they were some kind of superstar, while the new management just expects you to work.
Yet another reason not to tell a guy that you were treated badly in a past relationship, or at least not one you've just started dating.
You're right. This is a key talking point in incel spaces, like they really want a cookie for not being an 1800s husband
Do not disclose bad past boyfriends to them. There is no benefit to doing this and it just gives them a map to how badly they can treat us before we leave them.