I love articles that call out the real problem for falling birth rates. Women are waking up. We are waking up to the fact that men (and society) have lied to us and gaslit us into thinking that WE are the ones who need a relationship to be happy, and that WE have an expiration date. Look around you, look at the statistics! Married women are less happy than single women, and the opposite is true for men.
Women do NOT need men for personal relationships to be happy. Men need US. This is why we vet, this is why we block and delete without hesitation, this is why we don’t entertain men who add no value to our life. The old days of pairing up with the first guy to walk you home from church are over. Men will not be handed these things anymore, and they fucking hate it and they blame us for it instead of working on themselves.
There was a Ted talk I saw on this, but it only quantified it by married and still together vs divorced vs single. Since self-sufficiency and learning new skills were so crucial to happiness, single people as a group rated the highest. So if you find yourself in a situation where you get to have new experiences, learn and practice skills, that sort of thing, it shouldn't matter whether that's with someone else. You'd be a part of the happiest demographic. (It was definitely missing a gender split to it)
Also noteworthy is that the people most panicky about falling birthrate are men who have a vested interest in keeping basically a pyramid scheme going. These men are on the top, of course they want more (always more!) people on the bottom to serve them.
Why should we bust our ass giving birth to children who will most likely become their undervalued workers and/or cannon-fodder?
There are 8 billion people, population growth can stand to slow down so all living things on this planet stand a better chance of surviving and thriving. That's all falling birthrate is doing right now - there's still population growth, just growing relatively less quickly compared to before.
Less people means less consumption, which is better for the environment.
Please don't take this to mean I believe in forced sterilization (I don't) or limiting child policies like how it used to be in China. Lower birth rates are a consequence of industrialization and female empowerment. And I am all for it.
I 100% agree with you, but look at Japan. So many old people that the free healthcare system will soon break due to no bedside nurses or young peoples taxes to fund. So yes, while I see your point about patricapitalism, there are some legit reasons for worry
It's a legitimate concern, but adding more people to keep it going wouldn't really solve the core problem, it would just kick the can down the road so some later generation will be dealing with the same problem, but worse, because they would have a larger total number of old people to take care of.
Edited to add: If a country is not spending as much as it used to on childcare, there's resources available - resources that can be used for elder care. It can balance out. But it is different from how things have always been, so it takes some adjusting for people to wrap their heads around it.
Remember when the abortion ban happened? I made a post on here saying that now, more than ever, women need to be extremely picky about who they have sex with. I even mentioned having a "sex strike" and only sleeping with men who have been seriously vetted and who you've dated for at least 6 months.
I'm smiling seeing articles like this because it means that more women have raised their standards. Thank goodness! There was another article "the rise of lonely single men" here on fds and same thing.
Scrotes always try to spin around the table and blame women. Anything to avoid accountability or wash their asses.
I hope more and more women will say no to men. Especially those passport bro's who want to come back when the grass isn't greener on the other side. Mainly because men suck at raising, they hardly look after their children and if they were the primary care giver they would have put that child for adoption within the first year. I even heard fathers with full custody "joke" that if it was legal to leave their children behind at someone else's doorstep they would.
If all men die out then it's not the end of humanity because women will evolve and get pregnant without a man, Even certain female species are capable of doing that so It will be a matter of time before we women can do the same. I'd gladly have a woman only island. Men won't be missed.
In fact I'd celebrate if they all disappear. I have friends who went to trade school so It's not like I need men for plumbing.
I just finished the whole article...in short, this is patriarchy backfiring on men. So suffragettes won the right for women to choose careers, if/how many kids, and husbands. As a result, birthrates fall all over first world nations as women are not forced into marriage. Single mother rate is growing, however the aforementioned patriarchy has stigmatized them so the only hope left of growing birthrate is dwindling lolololollol
I totally agree, and I tend to see it as two things happening at once.
women like me who would never have wanted to have children now have an actual choice, so the numbers are falling down to what they’d be if women and girls had always had reproductive control of our own bodies.
Women are aware of how shit of a deal it is to partner with a man and have children, when the man isn’t willing to be an equitable parent, and now have the choice to decide that even if they might have wanted children, it’s not realistic because the sacrifice they would have to make and risk they would have to take is too great.
Patriarchy is indeed backfiring, and many many men are freaking out. Ya gotta find it just a little funny!
I’ve been saying this publicly anytime the subject comes up, and it never fails to make people stop and think, especially when I add that in another time or another place, I wouldn’t be able to make my choice to be childfree either.
i love how it highlights that even women with money don’t want children without a partner. I have set up my living situation with an almost perfect roommate so that my daughter and I can live at a lower cost of living-with a roommate who is often gone traveling. I thought that would make it easy to raise her without a partner-but it is not easy still! I don’t regret her or course but would have never done it if I knew the reality of single parenting!
Her dad has and lives with a partner, as well as with his mother and sister and grandmother involved with my kid when she is there. They do all the work and he never even really knows what is going on with her.
it is sometimes a nightmare here with just myself and the kid in the tiny apartment. just Last night I was trying to cook dinner and the kid gets upset-she lost a special toy and wants it NOW. I told her I’m in the middle of cooking and try to get her to help me prep food.
She helps a bit then we can’t find the toy. I tell her she has to wait because the burgers are now cooking and I’m not going to burn them. She screams and breaks something on accident in a fit, I have to stop the cooking and clean up some glass and now dinner burnt and ruined.
If only a helpful partner were here to help then she wouldn’t hate my house compared to going to daddy’s on weekends, where they can afford (and have time) to go do more fun outings, his girlfriend/mom keep the place clean so he can help her find things that she is always losing, and she has constant attention and many hands to tend to her needs and wants.
I really just can’t do it all and I want to cry sometimes. I get punished for being the “lesser“ parent just because I don’t have a partner to help. it is incredibly draining to raise a kid on your own when you can only be on one place at a time and there is nobody to help. And you need to be super rich these days to have like a nanny or something and I want to raise my own anyway, but I just am tired of being the irritable parent who is always overwhelmed.
money only goes so far when what you want is to be able to spend quality time with your child. I do my best but a lot of it is just stressful.
Yes, thanks for explaining the work climate. It’s a moving target in America at least I don’t know about other places but I have a very hard time balancing things.
I have limited hours that I can work and no matter how I arrange it with her father, I can’t keep up with employers demands. I miss out on a lot of money from not being able to do things last minute, or I miss out on time with my daughter because of having to commit to a longer day to even be able to be hired to be on for that day.
I work in personal services and a skilled profession and do a hybrid of self-employed(not consistent) and an employer(consistent, but pays less and you don’t get to just schedule things yourself) and if you only have like 30 hours a week to work then it needs to be consistent. It is not and I lose out on a lot but it also doesn’t work for me to be basically on call for an employer all the time on their hours either. then sometimes I really need more money and pick up a retail
or restaurant seasonal job and that makes life much more stressful and complicated for a few months. It is very hard to schedule and manage time but money is the thing that you really need in life and I feel like a slave to it. I wish I could focus on parenting and not have to focus on money for survival so much.
I think it is like this pretty much everywhere if you are a working parent, especially if you are a working single parent.
In a time where employers expect and demand more and more flexibility you are always at a disadvantage if you are not entirely in charge of you own schedule because you have a child you need to take care of and look out for. Even if you have people you can ask to babysit, you (and they) need time to plan ahead and short notice changes will very likely not work.
Spontaneously come to work earlier or stay later? Not going to happen if your kid's daycare has fixed hours and there is nobody else to bring them or pick them up.
Going on a business trip or a weekend seminar on short notice? Not going to happen if you can't arrange childcare.
Going to that non-mandatory after work event where all the important networking happens? How, if there's nobody to watch your kid during that time?
Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective and experience. I’m way introverted and likely somewhere on the spectrum so I totally understand the struggle to build connections! As a childfree woman I’m not sure where my place is in helping women in circumstances like yours, but I’m going to keep pushing towards those goals of building community to support women like you. You deserve to have real options and real help, and women are strongest together!!
I love articles that call out the real problem for falling birth rates. Women are waking up. We are waking up to the fact that men (and society) have lied to us and gaslit us into thinking that WE are the ones who need a relationship to be happy, and that WE have an expiration date. Look around you, look at the statistics! Married women are less happy than single women, and the opposite is true for men.
Women do NOT need men for personal relationships to be happy. Men need US. This is why we vet, this is why we block and delete without hesitation, this is why we don’t entertain men who add no value to our life. The old days of pairing up with the first guy to walk you home from church are over. Men will not be handed these things anymore, and they fucking hate it and they blame us for it instead of working on themselves.
Also noteworthy is that the people most panicky about falling birthrate are men who have a vested interest in keeping basically a pyramid scheme going. These men are on the top, of course they want more (always more!) people on the bottom to serve them.
Why should we bust our ass giving birth to children who will most likely become their undervalued workers and/or cannon-fodder?
There are 8 billion people, population growth can stand to slow down so all living things on this planet stand a better chance of surviving and thriving. That's all falling birthrate is doing right now - there's still population growth, just growing relatively less quickly compared to before.
Remember when the abortion ban happened? I made a post on here saying that now, more than ever, women need to be extremely picky about who they have sex with. I even mentioned having a "sex strike" and only sleeping with men who have been seriously vetted and who you've dated for at least 6 months.
I'm smiling seeing articles like this because it means that more women have raised their standards. Thank goodness! There was another article "the rise of lonely single men" here on fds and same thing.
Scrotes always try to spin around the table and blame women. Anything to avoid accountability or wash their asses.
I hope more and more women will say no to men. Especially those passport bro's who want to come back when the grass isn't greener on the other side. Mainly because men suck at raising, they hardly look after their children and if they were the primary care giver they would have put that child for adoption within the first year. I even heard fathers with full custody "joke" that if it was legal to leave their children behind at someone else's doorstep they would.
If all men die out then it's not the end of humanity because women will evolve and get pregnant without a man, Even certain female species are capable of doing that so It will be a matter of time before we women can do the same. I'd gladly have a woman only island. Men won't be missed.
In fact I'd celebrate if they all disappear. I have friends who went to trade school so It's not like I need men for plumbing.
I just finished the whole article...in short, this is patriarchy backfiring on men. So suffragettes won the right for women to choose careers, if/how many kids, and husbands. As a result, birthrates fall all over first world nations as women are not forced into marriage. Single mother rate is growing, however the aforementioned patriarchy has stigmatized them so the only hope left of growing birthrate is dwindling lolololollol
I love this article! Thanks for sharing!
i love how it highlights that even women with money don’t want children without a partner. I have set up my living situation with an almost perfect roommate so that my daughter and I can live at a lower cost of living-with a roommate who is often gone traveling. I thought that would make it easy to raise her without a partner-but it is not easy still! I don’t regret her or course but would have never done it if I knew the reality of single parenting!
Her dad has and lives with a partner, as well as with his mother and sister and grandmother involved with my kid when she is there. They do all the work and he never even really knows what is going on with her.
it is sometimes a nightmare here with just myself and the kid in the tiny apartment. just Last night I was trying to cook dinner and the kid gets upset-she lost a special toy and wants it NOW. I told her I’m in the middle of cooking and try to get her to help me prep food.
She helps a bit then we can’t find the toy. I tell her she has to wait because the burgers are now cooking and I’m not going to burn them. She screams and breaks something on accident in a fit, I have to stop the cooking and clean up some glass and now dinner burnt and ruined.
If only a helpful partner were here to help then she wouldn’t hate my house compared to going to daddy’s on weekends, where they can afford (and have time) to go do more fun outings, his girlfriend/mom keep the place clean so he can help her find things that she is always losing, and she has constant attention and many hands to tend to her needs and wants.
I really just can’t do it all and I want to cry sometimes. I get punished for being the “lesser“ parent just because I don’t have a partner to help. it is incredibly draining to raise a kid on your own when you can only be on one place at a time and there is nobody to help. And you need to be super rich these days to have like a nanny or something and I want to raise my own anyway, but I just am tired of being the irritable parent who is always overwhelmed.
money only goes so far when what you want is to be able to spend quality time with your child. I do my best but a lot of it is just stressful.
Too risky to be with men. Too risky in every single way. No thanks.