I'd love to hear from all of you QUEENS about the things you think you have a stronghold on in dating, and the things you are working on getting better at.
With the things you do well.... how do you think you make them happen?
Just a random list off the top of my head:
My men cook for me and they do it well. Even my scrotiest of scrotes have done this. I love food so much that it's always a major part of conversation for me. In turn, I think I make them want to impress me with their cooking skills early on? From there it kind of becomes a habit for them and they end up being main cook. I almost have never cooked for them and I am a great cook!
I don't have bad sex, even with the worse dudes I've dated. I even made a scrote drive me home one night after attempting awful sex from a cabin he rented us. It was a 2 hr drive at 2 am and I truly did not care. Bad sex is a hard line for me.
My scrotes have been very clean and I never have played maid with any of them. I guess it is just an ultra deal breaker for me because I just will never get with a slobby or lazy guy. Ever. My best ones paid for maids. It's really not that expensive if you go for trustworthy college kids or something like that.
I walk away in silence when a man tries to make me jealous or triangulate me with another girl. I'm proud of this one because I used to try to "stand my ground" and that did nothing. Silence and removal of my presence is by farrr the best tactic for this one that I have found.
Some of the major things I'm working on right now:
I do not pick protectors or only half-assed ones, which is sooooo important...for things like mechanics trying to take you for a ride, other males messing with you, etc. I want a man who sticks up for and looks out for me, always. Even to his own mother and even if I am wrong.
I have two degrees and a vast array of hobbies and interests... and I date imbeciles and amoebas with the IQ of a dead moth. Whyyyy.
Negging my looks or intelligence can get a hold on me sometimes, still. It's a powerful tactic to use on me apparently? My siblings called me ugly and dumb a lot growing up and I feel these ideas just really embedded into me during developmental years. I have a better grasp on understanding my level of intelligence now, but I still think I do not understand my looks and what they mean in society sometimes (I've had both women and men tell me this, too). These are things I am constantly working on.
The last scrote I dated didn't buy me flowers, ever, or gifts outside of holidays. I'm super embarassed I accepted this behavior because I've had rich and generous boyfriends before. Why did I put up with this???
I'm all ears for any advice and tactics/strategies to help where I'm falling short and I'd love to hear these lists from the rest of us!
I have quit dating after getting used and replaced too often. I give them the world, they give me trauma. Screw that.