Men can call us slurs and use other misogynistic terms. These are bright red flags that helps us avoid those people. What I'm thinking about are words that aren't outright offensive, but still give you that ick-y feel.
This could be more overt, like females instead of women. Personally, I hate it when guys use the word "chicks". I don't get offended by being compared to a cute baby chicken; but every person I've heard use it either had a frat boy personality or otherwise had misogynistic thoughts on the DL.
So I was wondering, what are some other terms like these that help you avoid LVM?
Wasn't originally an insult and it's now thrown around whenever a woman express some kind of (logical) concern about trans women. And of course, there's no male counterpart
“Ovary-haver” “person who menstruates” and any other dehumanising language used in place of “woman”. At this stage, I am honestly happy to be referred to as a female given how dehumanising language towards women has become.
”cat fight“ or like a meowing noise to make fun of a woman who had any problem with someone who happens to be another woman. (personally, I find a way when possible to treat women better than men. when I am at work my lady customers simply get better treatment from me when I can go out of my way to do so) it’s like women are not allowed to not like another woman without it being construed as jealousy.
racist things like when dudes call white ladies “snow bunny” or “snowflake” or call a Latina “spicy” or some kind of chocolate reference to a black woman
“Karen” bothers me a lot because it implies an entitled woman and most women are not entitled, it’s Men who are entitled.
“minx” bothers me too. Very reductive, reduces a woman to a sex object
“gold-digger”. Who wouldn’t want the benefit of more money and to be taken care of? it’s also misused a lot. Wanting financial security is not the same as being greedy but it implies greed. Men do it all the time but the stereotype isn’t as common to pin on them.
What I find very uncomfortable is that they believe femininity is submission and respect towards men. No, Submission is slavery. Don’t let pickmes And men tell you what femininity is.
If their version of femininity means that men need to like you because of how you behave then you’re listening to the wrong people.
Being liked by men doesn’t mean you are feminine.
If you are born as a girl, then you’re feminine And you don’t have to do anything for that. Breathing alone makes you feminine because you are a real woman. What kind of woman you are depends on your actions.
I prefer to be a Queen because a Queen will not allow men to mold her into an imagine they want.
Doormat and free housewife is not femininity. It’s servitude.
females over women, especially when men is used liberally and without second thought. obviously doesn't count when used as a descriptor like "female doctor". + any other term that implies women are lesser, such as "ho", "slut", etc.
"Controlling", any man who describes a woman as "sweet" or "nice" or "kind" or "chill" when complimenting her, etc.
I don’t like tomboy. It suggests there are things that aren’t for women and it’s for me to decide what I’m into.
it's become a mainstream slur even "feminists" use without thinking of it as a slur
Hot, sexy, alpha, beta, masculine, feminine, titties, naughty. When a guy uses these words as a description it turns me off.
As someone who studied biology, female doesn't offend because it was just a day to day term.
'Baby' gets to me and its various offshoots. Why compare women to a helpless wailing emotion-vortex?
Terf - any woman who is worried about male violence and stands up for women's rights
Karen - any woman who stands up for herself
Young Lady - I choose to reply to this with the other person age and sex, "hello, middle-aged man." Then he gets offended :D
People who menstruate or any new gender neutral language like that. Makes me want to scream. Also gold digger
"My wife and I are pregnant." Nope.
AFAB and cis women. I especially hate how AFAB sounds, and it also seems so clinical and dehumanizing. It strips women of their title they've been born into and had all the pain in life associated with it, survived, persevered, etc. We just started feeling proud of being women and now they get offended that we call ourselves women and not cis women or AFAB 🤢
Bitch. It’s become normalised by society but it’s a bright red flag for me. Remember if he can call another woman a bitch, he’ll be screaming it at you during arguments.
King 🤮
Older men call me "honey" "sweetheart" "sugar" "baby" at my job (retail) and sometimes it makes me a bit uncomfortable, but they say they remind me of their granddaughters sometimes, so I guess it's sweet?? Idk, the first two are fine but "sugar" "baby" are kind of demeaning
Working for a man, early retirement, crypto, mompreneur, taken to the cleaners, having fun with the boys, drinking (replace with anything shady) responsibly, so many I can't even think of everything 😂 Like they graced the Earth with their presence, and expect special treatment for doing basic adult duties
All the really crappy ones have been covered, but one I get periodically is "Wow, so you're like super smart." After this phrase, I know I'm locked in a conversation that will do nothing for me. Every variation is equally discouraging.
I hate being called baby or darling by ANYONE. Add honey and sweeteheart to it. It is always used by men who think you can be manipulated and who wish to manipulate you sooner or later.