A lot of men are salty that these groups exist, but I think they are useful. I don't have the courage to post in them myself, but I definitely checked to see if my ex was on there as well as anyone I know.
I learned from reading the group description that there are laws out there against slander, so if anything someone says is untrue and embarrassing (e.g. accusing someone of cheating on their wife) then they can get you in legal trouble. But if what you say is true, and you have the evidence, then it's legally okay.
Plus, saying something like "I dated this guy once and he is super awkward" is hardly shameful or embarrassing.
More importantly, girls will warn each other about guys who make them feel unsafe.
I am okay with these groups. There are entire websites dedicated to revenge porn, and places like 4chan and Reddit have users/ forums dedicated to doxxing and destroying women's dating profiles for simply existing. These pages have been around for years, and no one has done anything about them.
I do understand the concern that someone may make up a bunch of shit about you though.
Men online love to boast about dating and sleeping with multiple women at the same time. They boast that they imply monogamy but don't actually promise it and they openly express hatred for the women they sleep with.
So what's the problem with asking if multiple women are dating the same man? As someone else posted, tinder now allows people to block all contacts. Meaning if you browse tinder to see if your boyfriend/ husband is on there, he can hide his profile from you and your friends if he is close enough to also have their numbers.
I genuinely think there should be an app called "rate my boyfriend" where women share the treatment they've received from users and abusers. Men should realize that if they use and abuse they won't get laid anymore. The only problem I see with this would be the manosphere coming up with some counter-app, like rating women sexual performance or stuff. I agree with your argument that these mra trends already exist though. I'm just a bit scared of how far they could take it.
Not worth the time or effort. Dump him, then you won't be dating the same guy.
Edit: If there was an anonymous app where you could plug in his name, that would be great. This is what we need. Facebook is inefficient and lacks anonymity.
Sadly, men need fear of reprisal to reign in their behaviour. Group beatings or being made to wear a dunce cap in the town square might help.
I see these groups as a tool to keep other women safe. The group I joined just post a picture of the guy, no name or anything, and they would ask if anybody has any experience with him, then you will have to send a DM. We also get warnings about fake or catfish profiles on OLD. We do these things to keep safe, while men doxx women to destroy their lifes... so yeah, the usual.
I love that it’s an updated whisper network.