Said to me by my mother when I explained that I don't want a particular female in my life because I don't agree with her taste in men. I don't want that woman bringing tweaker criminals around my kids, so why should I have any sort of friendship with her? I don't want grown-ups in my life who I don't trust my kids around. Anyway, this comment didn't sit well with my mother- she had something to say!
"You're one to talk...."
During this time, I've had multiple opportunities to date. And I could have had more, if I went the OLD route (which I refuse to do). I have turned all offers down, because I am so determined to choose my next partner carefully.
But I have bad taste in men.
When will I be considered to have good taste in men? 50 years from now, if I remain single because of my high standards? Or maybe 1 year from now, if I settle for one who doesn't meet my standards, but meets those of society? We know what the answer is. My sins of poor choosing will be held against me my entire life, unless I either find a HVM or settle for one that meets the bare minimum requirements of being a decent human being. Eff that.
Let them judge.
When women say this it’s to make themselves feel better for their bad choices. When men say it it’s to make you think you’re the problem.
But here’s the real problem- it’s hard not to get a mouth full of water when you‘re swimming in it and that’s the state of crappy men these days. They’re prolific and everywhere. So if you’re trying to date you’re drowning in them.
With men it’s easier to point out This reality. When my dad tells me I have “poor taste in men” I ask him which one he would date if he was into men. Strangely he can never think of one worth picking. Weird.
With women it’s harder because we’re so brainwashed and often willing to sacrifice each other on the alter of shit men. So don’t ask your mom who she’d date, but just know you’ll never be as buried under the BS as she is. So that’s a little victory.
Most of us have bad taste in men because most men suck these days
These days having good taste in men involves joining a convent and taking your vows to Jesus at age 18.😂