Hey everyone, I met this girl on a r4r page because she warned me about one of the guys in the group. We started talking and became "friends", but now I do not want to interact with her anymore. She has casual and often unprotected sex with men, specifically Asian men. She has a thing for specifically Asian men, and she is Turkish, "non-binary" and has Boderline Personality Disorder. She complains when they treat her like trash after they have sex with her, or when they refuse to get tested after they already had sex with her. She actually got pregnant by one of the dudes, and she was upset that he ghosted her and was not trying to help her pay for the abortion. I tried putting her onto the FDS podcast often because it has honestly improved my dating life and just helped me feel more secure in myself. Here is her most recent response to why she doesn't want to. I also tried sending her stuff about why casual sex isn't healthy, etc, and why she should at least use condoms, and she is not listening. Attached are screenshots of our texts (I'm blue messages, she is white messages). I'm actually pissed off how stupid and unsafe she is being, and she doesn't even care that she is putting her life at risk. How do I deal with this? Do I just block and ignore her? How to put up with women like this, who don't care about themselves, nor their fellow women? What is even going on with her? This seems like trauma and mental illness to me, but the willful ignorance is what got me a bit confused. The lack of self-preservation is so new to me, especially because she doesn't even want a relationship. Also, for some insight, I am a 3rd year Med student myself and have done a lot of volunteer work in clinics, so I see first-hand how damaging STDs can be especially for women.
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The way your friend talks makes her sound like a man. BPD can lead to self-destructive behaviours if left untreated. Promiscuity is a typical symptom. She Doesn’t want to know because she thinks you are judging her constantly. You can’t fix this person, leave her behind. 
Drop her.
She's disgusting and patronizing.
It's not your job to save her. I had a friend like this years ago and did everything you did too. Stop. They will not listen and they will not change until they want to. You'll get to hear all the disgusting details and then they'll laugh at you when you suggest they don't let dirty dick inside them. It's not worth it for your own mental health. I got really upset that my friend was putting herself in danger and not respecting herself, yet I became the problem in the friend group. Run. Run. Run.
You're not going to scold someone into changing their behavior. It sounds like she has considered the risks already, and you're not telling her anything she doesn't already know.
Do you ever talk about the specific positive effects FDS has had on your life? That seems like a direction to take the conversation that has more potential. Putting someone on the defensive like you are isn't going to accomplish anything; you have to make them *want* something better.
(Also this is the exact stereotype of the kind of person I would expect to meet on an r4r page lol)
Jesus, she’s disgusting. She’s also being openly patronizing, darling.
I'd drop her like the hottest potato.
I've known people with BPD and it is horrible how it affects them. And they have no problem screwing you over if they want to or if they are in a bad mood. I don't think it's a good idea for you to keep talking to this woman, tbh.
How does the saying go again? "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"? Not to say your friend is a horse or anything, forgive me for the dodgy comparison 😅
You can't help people who don't want to be helped, I know it must be heartbreaking to see someone you care about take so many senseless risks, but you can't help it. And unfortunately, if you're too empathetic, you'll end up suffering in her name. She wants to carry on doing what she's doing? Let her.
At best she'll learn from the consequences of her own behavior, at worst she'll resent you for trying to control her or police her choices and you'll end up in very bad terms
She's participating in self harming behavior and you don't have to stick around for it
You can't police someone else's vagina. You've presented your stance. If she wants to have casual sex that's her choice, and if you don't want to keep company with promiscuous people that's your choice. Badgering her about it will not help.
This girl sounds like she’s bipolar, and chasing dopamine hits through casual sex, or she’s addicted to the drama that having lots of casual sex can cause. If it’s the former, there’s not much you can do. You can’t make someone take care of their mental health if they don’t want to, and some people have to hit rock bottom before they even try. If it’s the latter, then you’re only enabling her by keeping in contact and allowing her to bring you into her drama. I’d recommend a soft ghost. You don’t need to block her if you think she may need your help when she hits rock bottom one day (but only if you’re mentally capable of helping her. If you think helping her in the future may potentially harm you, then block her), but stop responding to her casual sex stories, and only give a “hey, that’s great” if she wants to tell you about a new job or something. If she asks why you don’t talk to her anymore, just tell her you’re busy, or that you don’t care about other people’s sex lives. She has the links you’ve sent her, and knows about the podcast. What she does with it is her choice. PS. I used to attract “friends” like this all the time. She’d do something sort of nice for me (like warn me about a creepy guy, or stick up for me to a bully) to hook me, but then just use me for emotional labor and to feed her ego/addiction to attention and drama after that. Almost like she was trying to recruit me as a sidekick/follower, and felt like I owed her. I used to stick around because I had trouble making friends, and one manipulative “friend” was better than zero, but eventually I found that being around these girls was keeping me from making other, better friends.
Why are you friends with her? She sounds like a man.
Hi bpd woman here. We are very stubborn. Tbh I would just give up and stop trying
Ew. Drop her