Definition of CERTAIN:
Able to be firmly relied on to happen or be the case.
Having or showing complete conviction about something.
Definition of MAKE CERTAIN:
Take action to ensure that something happens.
Establish whether something is definitely the case.
You want a HVM who is CERTAIN that he wants to court you.
A HVM with certainty doesn't say things like "We will see where this goes" -- because he ALREADY KNOWS where he wants to go. And why he is taking you with him. Why he choose YOU.
A HVM with certainty doesn't go out on "window shopping dates" with a bunch of women and asking to split 50/50 with each of them -- he KNOWS he wants to ask YOU out because you are the one he WANTS, and he is ready to impress. What kind of man who want to impress you will ask to split the bill? Or ask for a stupid coffee date?
A HVM with certainty is RELIABLE. You don't have to wonder about anything -- he got it all COVERED.
Date? Arranged and he will text you the time/place/dress code etc. and update you until the date day.
Gifts? Already prepared and waiting to give it to you.
Communication? He will asks you what form and frequency of communication you prefer and proceed to do it the way you like. You want him to send love letters in cursives and flowery language? You bet he gonna go learn that cursives right now.
If he has issues and can't fulfill your expectations -- he will tell you immediately and clearly, and apologize accordingly. He will make sure to make up for the cancellation and do everything in his power to make sure you stay satisfied.
You don't even need to wonder who is paying what, when, where, how -- he already got his wallet out.
A HVM with certainty doesn't future fake or make empty promises. When he says he is doing something for you or going to give you something -- that is because he is already at least 50% done with the thing.
A HVM with certainty already KNOWS he wants to marry you -- he is just waiting for you.
He will NEVER get involved with any of those bullsh*t "BF/GF for 10 years and 5 kids", "need a ride-or-die while I build myself", "Lets move in together to see if you are a good wife material" and blah blah.
He walks the road by HIMSELF and build by HIMSELF because that's what a mature responsible adult do -- no need to drag anybody else to suffer with him.
He is asking you out NOW because he is NOW finally READY.
A HVM with certainty is so certain of what he wants -- he already have a 5/10/20-year plan laid out about how to take care of you and he is already silently taking actions to make sure the plan is successful. He even have plans for his future children, together with all the actions laid out step by step.
A HVM is a different breed than your typical scrotes -- you simply can't expect your typical scrotes to have all this certainty. Scrotes are wibbly-wobbly-mommy-help-me and unsure still of who they even are, and their foundation is like a cracked cement ready to crumble. You simply can't expect to have a healthy relationship with a wibbly-wobbly-mommy-help-me guy.
Being with a HVM with certainty makes you feel so CERTAIN, so comfortable, so trusting of him that you are EXCITED to see what's next he got in store for you. You don't even think about taking care of anything because before you can even wonder -- he already got it covered.
If the man you are dating aren't CERTAIN and "Want to see where this goes" -- cut him off. You aren't a tourist attraction.
Stay safe.
These men exist, and it's realistic to build yourself into a HVW doing your own thing so you've already set yourself up for success. When you meet the right one, you don't need a damn thing from him because you're already living a stable and fulfilling life. If you give him the gift of your time by allowing him to take you on dates, he's grateful and eager to do it again. I'm well into my 30s and have been fortunate to enjoy several long term relationships with HVM. To all you Queens, it's worth the wait. 👑
I love that last line. No, I mostly certainly am not a tourist attraction.
I’ve never dated a man like this. I would love it.
And he certainly know what he wants and don't compromise about it for things that matter to him.