After the slew of reactions from the infamous "more and more men are single and lonely now more than ever before" article, I came across this on social media. And as usual and on cue, the men are malding over it.
One even had the audacity to state that this will drive us into a horrible society. That it's bad for society. That it's bad for everyone involved.
So let me get this straight: It's not the corruption from power hungry corporations and the careless governments that seek to take away more and more rights and freedom from their civilians, it is not the domestic terrorism that rains upon us from male social outcasts who brings guns to public places and starts shooting everyone, or the police who rapes women and murders people of color, nor is it the never ending cycle of poverty and homelessness and ignored mental health and housing crisis and people turning into crime to survive or pollution that will soon make the Earth implode in a decade from now...
But single, often childless, women who's just minding her own business. 🤡
Remember how, years ago, it seemed that every man had a common enemy, and that was the "disgusting, over-the-hill single mother who's still trying to date men"? Remember that? Remember how men used every excuse in the book to not marry women at all, or if they were marriage-minded, they seek out extremely young women or women from overseas and ignore their own kind? Remember how men would always write about how annoying so many women are and our obsession with relationships, wanting commitment and monogamy, wanting to go steady, "where is this going?", asking for a ring... remember all of that?
Now they have a new nemesis and she doesn't even look his way. 😂 Now they hate the women who has chosen to walk away and stop playing this abusive game they've been throwing at us for so many years now. They hate the woman who's just happy and thriving on her own and refuses to live for anyone else except herself. The men spat on women who wanted marriage and motherhood; now they're losing their minds that more and more women are becoming marriage/motherhood-critical and would only commit with a man if he really proves himself to be different from the rest. Which is a tall order for these low effort scrotes, lol.
Oh well! Too bad, so sad! This is the consequences when y'all have done nothing but hurt us over and over again and turned us off from dating the majority of you. I really don't care how bitter this makes me look, I just hate it when women have to continue to take misogynistic abuse even if she's trying to opt out of dealing with men altogether.

We are going our own way. These men no longer have the power to control and view us as mother, bangmaid, mommy mctherapist. They have proven time and time again that they do not DESERVE access to our body, soul, minds, and energy. The best part of it is that when they HOWL "yOu'Ll jUsT DIE aLoNe AnYwAyS!" they know it will not affect us because that is the GOAL. To live in peace is to live without a scrote's energy.
But WHY does this make them so very UPSET? I mean the women who are choosing to be single/childless are obviously not pick me's because those girls are desperate for a man and will settle down with any old scrote, so surely this means more pick mes for these men? But I noticed something sinister about a man's nature. As much as they say they do, men do not want easy doormat pick mes ready to bend at his every whim. They specifically get off on breaking a strong woman's will. They are obsessed with getting a HVW to submit to them.
This is their biggest fear. Strong HVW walking away.
The blame is always put on women... no one ever thinks that maybe the reason that women pick careers over having a family is because men can't provide anymore? or REFUSE to provide for us?
"Wahhh women don't want to settle down at 21 and pop out 5 babies anymore! Modern women are horrible!" cries the scrote who is like 40 and hasn't done either of those things himself because he was being a fuckboy from 16-35, who expects his wife to go 50/50 on a mortgage and bills while being a babymaker, mom, and maid, and refusing to lift a finger himself.
I am a WGTOW. Discovering the manosphere and red pill in my late teens/ early 20’s was crucial in my dating development. Because of those pages, I have a deep distrust of men. The average woman’s ideal relationship is to be financially provided for by a well off man and create a stable nuclear family where she can buy nice things; look beautiful, and raise her kids in a prosperous environment with plenty of opportunities for them to succeed and follow their dreams. In this fantasy, the husband benefits: he gets a beautiful wife who takes care of herself and who can focus her energy and resources on him. Their children benefit with a life of privilege and opportunity and a mom who can focus her energy and resources in them. The wife benefits because she can afford to manage the home without the family falling into poverty, and she can enjoy nice things. Yes there is an aspect of superficiality and materialism. But in this fantasy; everyone benefits. The man’s fantasy is perverted and selfish. The man fantasizes about being a playboy who has sex with multiple women. Even if he’s married, he wants a mistress. He envies men who produce and abandon multiple children, calling them alpha and the single moms left over alpha widows. He wallows in rage and embarrassment that he doesn’t have hundreds of partners, and the moment his wife/ primary woman ages, he discards her and wants no consequence for doing so. The kids have a threat of half siblings who fight for inheritance. The wife/ baby mama suffers as a single mom with a man who is waiting with bated breath to replace her with someone else. The only one who benefits is the man, and the man alone who gets his dick wet. Plus the kind of sex he fantasizes about us degrading and weird. The way men view, treat, and fantasize about treating women is awful. They LONG to be abusive, manipulative, and weird. They ENVY horrible men, calling them alphas, and consider basic kindness to your wife or partner to be “simping” and “beta”.
Something that has highly amused me since the pandemic is the increase in news articles from misogynistic countries stating that the trend of women choosing to remain unmarried. and childless is “a threat to national security”. Overreaction much?
The articles usually whinge about dropping birth rates and use it and its supposed effect on “the economy“ as justification for governments’ weird attempts to convince (sometimes force) women to marry and have kids.
What’s the real threat to the economy and national security (besides climate change and the mass poverty it will create)? It’s the loser men that women are globally refusing. Excess lonely men statistically can result in a drain to the economy (sad losers are more likely to be unemployed, underemployed, unhealthy, and unproductive), increases in violence against men and women (look at all the incel & mgtow related murder rampages), and the deterioration of communities (no productive fsmily men giving back to their communities financially or volunteer wise).
Flip the coin and statistically women are more likely to stimulate economies and build and maintain communities. Many studies on micro loans have found that giving money to women benefits the woman, her family, her community, and the economy. Give money to a man and he’s much more likely to blow it on his selfish addictions.
I hope more and more women keep waking up globally and send all men into a panic.
I think this is another example of how, when women stop providing something to men, men interpret it as a form of female aggression. One of the pod episodes talks about the messaging to high school girls that "girls bully people by excluding them", i.e. that if a girl declines to provide attention and companionship, she is "bullying". And men will say that women not having sex with them is a form of violence. It's very irrational and silly.
These people who are angry at childless women don’t even really love their own children. Sure they want to pass on their genes, or extend their influence or voting bloc. For the women, they want to raise their own status within their social class. But none of them care if their children are happy. None of them care about their mental well-being (except to the extent that they want to avoid loss of social status). They don’t even care about preserving the environment for the children they leave behind. Environmentalists used to be able to plead with people to “leave a healthy earth behind for your children”, but this particular brand of sociopath isn’t even moved by that.
Good! The only possible downside to this is that the most sensible people don't reproduce while pickmes and scrotes do. I guess we're gonna have to take that risk! 🤷♀️
this is GREAT news.
the world will be a muc better place with less and less women trapped in shitty relationships, less and less pickmes and less abuse.
about how everyone always blame it on women, it's the classic damned if you do, damned if you don't situation women have been dealing with since ever. no matter what we do, it's impossible to win because society hates us. the end.
i'll be part of the 45% single happy queens and I'm really excited about it!
I always found it kind of strange how, in my own bubble of my life I am a single, childfree woman minding her own business yet, certain people must look at me like some kind of menace to society for: doing my hobbies, staying away from men and dating and basically just existing. Minding my own business. Here I am just playing my "awful" damaging video games, shopping make up, instead of dating a scrote and having his child, spending my time serving him. How dare I.... ?
Women are more than just incubators and emotional support to men.
Lol didn't men say it's women who will end up lonely. ?
I knew the term leftover will be for men in the near future, Men reap what they sow but yet they act like women need them to be happy. Nope a woman just needs a career, her own money, freedom and her own tidy house.
Isn't overpopulation an issue? Isn't it a good thing if less people are choosing to have children, especially in this economy?
I am extremely curious to find out what's gonna happen to us hyperindividualistic millennials when we find ourselves in our 50s and 60s and most of us are uncoupled and childless, but also community averse and relationship impaired from our narcissism. The sensibile course of action would be bringing back communal living, but I think we're in for a ride 😂
It’s interesting who pushes these narratives.
I’ve known I was going to be child free since I was a teenager. I’ve honestly encountered more men that share the attitude than women. Even girl friends still joke I’ll change my mind when I find ‘the one’. Meanwhile men are like ‘I get it‘.
I think theres a subset of men pushing this ‘isnt this terrible’ viewpoint, while a lot of men also have zero interest in the cost or lifestyle impact of children.
I've never met a married woman whose life I envied whereas I've met single and childfree women whom I admire greatly. If I end up like them, GREAT! Sign me the eff up. You can't scare us with singlehood anymore.
They forgot to mention "happy"
the whole "women dying alone" thing kills me, pun intended. my grandmother was married AND had children (and grandchildren)...and you know what? she died alone anyway in her Manhattan apartment. her scrote husband was much older and drank and smoke himself into a heart attack in his 50s.
no one can predict the future. not every deathbed looks like the Wizard of Oz final scene, no one knows how the end is going to come, whether you're a single hermit or a matriarch with a male harem of 50. so men can miss me with that BS and stop the coercive control attempts. get over yourselves, scrotes.
Queens, live your best lives! and if a dude pisses you off, next him.
Do you have a link to this study? I'd like to read it.
A man could only dream of the life me and my cats live.
I’m single and childless on purpose. I’d say it’s a W actually.