My personal favourite:
"Because I do not care to enlarge my menagerie of pets, and I find the animal man less docile than a dog, less affectionate than a cat, and less amusing than a monkey."
I love those savage answers. It only proves that women in the shit old days were getting married to scrotes out of "obligation" only because they were forced to, since women had no choice but to depend on men to live, thanks to scrotes prohibiting women from education, working, voting and any opportunity that could have earned us our financial independence away from men, thus placing women in desperate powerless positions where they had to need and depend on men to survive...which is a calculated act by the patriarchy to oppress women so that any worthless incel can avoid natural selection and have easy access to women to spread his seeds and have a free bangmaid ....not to mention all the psychological & emotional manipulation, gas lighting and scare tactics that the patriarchy subjugated women to, so that women become desperate for men and "need" 101: create the problem and then give the solution to the problem you created.
Thanks for sharing this. I love the untamed wit.