This is where you’re disciplined enough to respect your self worth and ignore your fleeting feelings.
Definitely a reminder to myself today. I don’t need to go into all the details, but a man approached me at my gym, who I genuinely do like, but fails to meet almost all of my standards for dating material. Despite what people may think, we’re not cold hearted bitches in here, we’re just accountable to ourselves and disciplined. So there may be times where you’re feeling like you wish the circumstances were different, or maybe you’re even considering loosening one of your standards— that feeling is normal… but it’s where the true test kicks in if you’re going to be accountable for your self worth. It’s easy to reject a man you already don’t like, it’s harder when you do see something in them, but we all know potential means nothing. Do not cave and do not disrespect yourself. ❤️
I did cut things off respectfully with the gym guy, and there’s still a part of me who wants to reach back out to him, but I won’t disrespect myself like that.
I’ve wanted to write a post about this topic for a while. Thanks for sharing.
For me, applying FDS to platonic friendships is not easy. I cut off two friends in the past few years because they were disloyal and inconsiderate. I blocked and deleted without explanation, but I miss them often. Sometimes, I miss them a lot.
At times I find it hard too, when I hear stories of ppl who stay together for years when their first date was a coffee date, but ppl only count the numbers but not the hours of labor that the woman needs to do alone, most household chores, most child rearing, work part time because he can't cover anything.
If I need to do almost everything alone then why do I need you for ?
At least my cats give true companionship and get rid of rodents.
OP clap clap on this one.
It is not always fun and it doesn't come out like "Boss Bitch" energy all the time.
Sometimes it is the quiet decision you made for yourself with tears in your eyes wishing that things were not this way, or that he had acted right, etc.
But in the long run, we all know these good decisions pay off in multiple ways. It's holding out for better and demanding better for ourselves.
thank you for this. it is extremely hard at times. i've given up on dating some time ago and my life is very peaceful thanks to that. but it's so easy to not care about dating when there is no one i'm attracted to. it waaay more difficult when some handsome, charming guy comes along and messes with your head. it's been happening to me with a married coworker and i have to block the thoughts and remind myself i'm a rational begin who can choose to remain loyal to myself, my own values and my standards. just to clarify: he and i have never flirted nor anything. but there's this attraction... and i think it's mutual. nothing has happened and nothing will happen on my part.