He's one of the only people trying to "make men better" that I want men to listen to dor self improvement. Not Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, or some pick up artist who's trying to become a cult leader.
Besides Lorin Krenn I like:
▪︎ Gabor Mate
▪︎ The author of the book "Kosher Sex", Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
▪︎ Lundy Bancroft
▪︎ Paul Dolan (Happiness researcher)
▪︎ Penn Badgley (just because the way he talks about his marriage and how it challenged him to become a better person reminds me so much of Lorin Krenn)
Lorin Krenn's podcast
He has this quality where scrotes wish he approved of the scrotty things they do but he just wont. It reminds me of how Jordan peterson fans tried to get Gabor Mate to say he agrees with Jordan Peterson and Gabor was like "no! I don't endorse him at all."
Like these comments under this video:

This is why I think ppl should be engaged for at least 1 year if not more. Its a huge vetting opportunity to see if this seemingly good person is actually crazy and does a mask drop. A user on here got engaged and within a few months the man was screaming at her because she asked him to take out the trash, and he became an angry alcoholic because she had a shot of liquor one time while cleaning the house, without him. He got comfortable. The comfortable stage is when you find out if he has contempt for you and dgaf anymore, and/or is abusive.
I'm so glad we have fds and the terminology to talk about this. In my early pickme days, I knew to be ready to dip in the comfortable phase. I didn't really know why, I just knew that I didn't want a dude to disregard me and ogle other women like I'm some kind of sitcom-wife. Its not like he had to chase me forever at that time, I just simply didn't like being treated like a nuisance by the man who asked me out.
It still sounds like excuses to me. I don't like what he's saying about men having "an incredible capacity to avoid suffering". This sounds like mAh bIoLoGy to me. I think they're unaware of how unhappy we are. I think they hear us loud and clear, but they just don't care. They think they've got us all figured out, and that we're wrapped around their fingers and will never leave.
Yes especially with the sentiment "men think the job is complete once they've got the woman."
I've seen way too many "sweet, caring" boyfriends check completely out of the relationship after marriage (and DEFINITELY after kids come along).
I mean it's great that a man is trying to slowly turn the circle of abuse to normality BUT this is BASIC..
It's men's job to fix their problem and patriarchal system, and basic respect is nothing to ring home about so I'm not impressed by him or others like him. They should have been behaving normal towards all women from the start.
Meanwhile older women are supposed to shut up and put up with their trauma from men, their trauma is invalidated dismissed degraded belittled.
At the same time, younger women are still abused by men coz men have learned to hide their mask well in therapy or men's forums and turn it on her after.