A long time ago ( when I was a regular Reddit user) I saw a comment saying that dating men is so much more "chill" because you can "go camping in the woods and get sucked off and it's not a big deal".
I was appalled by their lack of consideration for women's feelings and comfort. All men are capable of being tone deaf and garbage. Bi men are no exception (which I think we all know but I feel the need to reiterate).
They're the same fucking dudes who suggest a fucking hiking date.
Gay, bisexual and pansexual men should just leave us the fuck alone. Dating men isn't more chill. The gay male community revolves around hook-ups. It's rare for them to find a commited same-sex relationship. That's why they always come back to women for emotional support.
It’s like the survey that found that female dating app users’ biggest fear was being raped and killed, and male dating app users’ biggest fear was “she’s not as hot as her pics dur durr durrr”
Yeah and that whole scenario, being alone off in the woods is a prime space for coercion and rape. Soooo not a big deal to a scrote rapist moron.
Gay/bi men can be wildly misogynistic and it's a huge mistake to assume they're all allies. Nothing could be further from the truth. They're more likely to appropriate women's historical spaces for their own gain (see also: makeup/hair/clothes design etc.) and make bank on it, while women in those spaces don't. They (gay men) don't want to fuck us, so they especially have no use for us unless we're doing some other labor for them. Be wary of assuming queer guys are on your side. My first introduction into what GamerGate was was from a gay man who took every chance he could get to shit on Anita Sarkeesian.
Anyway, get a Glock and a conceal-carry permit, girls. Or one of those brass knuckle keychains, mace, whatever you have to do to feel safer when out and about. Do not let men make you fear for your lives. Be determined to LIVE. When they make us afraid, they control us.
I hate this!! And it also gaslights women into thinking their fear is not valid.
I've met and read about so many women that downplay or completely suppress their own fear, and invalidate other women's fear, because there's this whole narrative out there that woman are weak, too emotional, and irrational.
They can suck themselves off!
You can also go camping in the woods and get murdered and buried. How convenient. 😂 Men don't have fear like women do of being attacked and raped. They make it so obvious with their comments.
Even between two men, this seems like it could get pretty unsafe.