if he says all men, no matter who we marry - will go to a strip club and do horrible things before the wedding. That means all of his friends and him would be unfaithful.
if he says all men would cheat on their wives or keep a harem of girls if they were professional athletes or celebrities - that means that’s what he would do if he ever became that successful.
if he says all men watch porn, he watches porn.
Men do not only expose themselves by what they project on other men..but they also expose themselves by what they project on women as well.. Men have proved time and time again that they are the embodiment of everything they project on women:
They are the biggest drama queens ...The biggest sluts ...The biggest baby trappers...The most emotional, illogical and irrational gender...The biggest fucking Karens, if centuries of oppressing women doesn't count as Karen behavior then I don't know what fuck does....They are the biggest gossipy, catty and jealous ones, once again that womb envy caused them to oppress women forever, and still do in some parts of the world, yet they came up with the "penis envy" nonsense pffft
"Women destroy civilizations" Yet look at who's creating wars, mass shootings, rapes, pedophilia..etc "Women hit the wall" Men's hair line starts receding in their freaking twenties...yet have the fucking audacity to say shit like that..
Men's insecurities are easy to spot they tell on themselves every day lol.
This type of man is cheap, doesn't ever pay for dates, doesn't pay his mama's bills & is jealous of spoiled women.
This type of guy is angry because he simps for beautiful women. All day everyday. He's thinks he's punishing women by rejecting them before they get the chance to reject him. He's so dumb he doesn't realize beautiful women have options lol.
I was literally just thinking about a moment I had with this gross ass guy. I was telling him about how this man I was randomly talking to on reddit (At the time I didnt know how insane the platform is) was constantly bringing up how he wants to impregnate women in the conversation we had. I was so disgusted and this other dude said "thats just how the male mind works".
Funny that they think the female mind doesnt wanna throw up and never touch a man again when it hears that. It reminded me of the time where couple months prior he also said something about getting me pregnant which had nothing to do with the topic at hand. LVM are so stupid, I am baffled.
Actually I am angry, I will call this behavior out straight up now because I cant believe we have reached this ridiculous point. I truly hope LVM who traumatize girls and women like I was, never find peace.
The projection on women @JayQualin mentioned is so so so true. Even stuff like “women are bad drivers” while men cause the majority of accidents. Women are shallow, women are hysterical, women gossip, all projection. You could go on for hours giving examples.