Like wives of celebrities or high earning athletes Are always called a gold digger, when women forgive a man who made a so called slip up the fans will call the woman a gold digger for staying without any source of evidence to back it up.
I never understood why they are so quick to call any woman a gold digger, These women are raising those men’s children while they are out making movies or train to compete against other athletes, These women are doing something money will never give. A good mother who nurtures your children and securing your survival of the bloodline into the next generation. men can’t raise children, they can only blame and point fingers at women when their own children become a major screw up. So what if a woman is with a man for his money? You are with her for her looks, for her body, be a house keeper, Butler, Chef, Supporter, broodmare without spending a dime on her. But when you tell the same men that they need to do more they hide behind the traditional role that men are providers not care givers. You can’t have it all idiot. You are either a provider and a meal ticket or be a man and raise your children.
It's simply projection. Men don't want to have women do to them what they do to women. They want to "win." They want to leave the woman worse for wear when they leave her so that she cannot find anyone else. Everything is a game to men. That's why they don't even want to support their wife and children. They are "losing" if they're not getting ALL of the benefits to keep for themselves. There are men who will try to cheat prostitutes and will even steal money and p*ssy from them. They don't want a fair deal. They want EVERYTHING.