IF at any point in time, the man you are with causes you to START nagging - LEAVE.
Nagging is not natural - that stereotype that women are nags can go burn in the seventh hell.
You start to nag because he didn't listen when you tell him nicely the first few times.
You nag because he keeps doing the stupid ass bullshit you clearly tell him NOT to do.
You nag because his blatant disregard of your words and opinions and feelings is frustrating and insulting.
You nag because he deliberately causes you to stew in negative emotions and slowly driving you CRAZY.
You nag because you feel like a ball being thrown around and played with mercilessly - so you nag as a way to regain some control.
You nag because you can clearly see what the problem is and if only he can shut up and listen instead of ignoring and making fun if you - the problem can be solved immediately!
You nag because it is the only way to vent all the frustration you bottle up inside caused by the way he treats you.
It is a sign you are in a toxic - or worse covertly abusive relationship.
Nagging is really all about an imbalance of power in the relationship. If your partner respected you and took your concerns seriously, you wouldn't have to "nag" in the first place. It is a stereotype placed on women, but men don't have to "nag" because when they ask for something, they get it..end of story. Nobody gives the big man guff like they do women..
Yup. Somone who hast still internalized abundance mentality and fds principles would seek advice "how to get him to do " "how to get him to listen and do stuff for me " the moment you have to think that or even seek advise it's time to shut the door on him and cut your our losses. 🙌
I hate the way nagging is so normalized. Everytime I bring up how I don't want to put up with a man that would make me beg, the people around me say I'm too immature for a relationship 🙄
If you get called a nag reply by asking, “Do you know what comes next after nagging no longer works? Divorce. You need to right this ship.” Say it very quietly then walk away. His reaction will give you all the information you need.
This. I'm not getting wrinkles over some man's fool behaviour. Come correct or be shown the door, immediately. I don't repeat myself.
I have anxiety problems so while I explore my triggers, the thought of dating a man I would have to nag to do basic things would make me explode in rage. I physically can't date a man that uses weaponized incompetence. On the bright side, I feel like I don't age much or lose hair over stress from being overly frustrated. I know some exes think I'm too "spoiled" because I don't over-exert myself for them or that I just take things in stride as long as it suits me.