Older women who are jealous are just angry at them selves. They let men waste their youth or baby trap them and they are in pain especially when younger women make better decisions that they did. There are so many scorned women who wishes they would swap places with me, I hear many times that if they had my age they would do a lot of things different. Ppl might say that I dont have a lot of life epcerience but I can look at a baby trapped scorned woman, or Barbera the builder who has been replaced by a teen gold digger and decide that I don’t want to end up like that.
Her anger is definitely misdirected. The worker is just doing her job, it's not her fault she has a nice ass lol. The husband is rude and disrespectful for staring and ignoring his wife. I don't understand why men do this. They act like they have never seen a real life, flesh and blood, breathing woman before. I worked in construction for a while and the men I worked with would stare down random women who would be dressed normally and just going for a walk. It's fuckin' wild.
Construction workers just do that to intimidate women and feel superior. It's like reaffirming their masculinity. Plus if a guy's wife/girlfriend is there, he gets the added benefit of making her insecure and hopefully vying for his attention.
Unknown member
Dec 15, 2022
Men policing women's clothing, a tale as old as time.
Years ago in my 20s, I was much larger than I am now. I worked at a major pizza chain. One night I got called in on my night off and dressed in whatever I had which was close to but not really the preferred uniform. Uneventful night or so I thought. The next day I got a call to come in; the district manager wanted to talk to me. Turns out a scrote complained to the DM about my leggings. Never a word from him because he wasn’t even my customer! Just triangulated me with his scrote buddy the DM. I came in, scrote DM confronted me, I asked if that was his friend. He said yeah. I said, you need better friends, got up, walked off and started my shift. Never bothered again because of the power move. These people are idiots.
Unknown member
Dec 16, 2022
Although I am a grown ass woman of 47, with a shit ton of life experience, I'll have women who are just a few years older, like 50-55 pull the, "I'm older than you so I've got more wisdom than you" card. ROFL. It's ridiculous. So when I meet younger women, I never condescend to them like that.
I am 49 and the old ladies here in this apartment complex thought they could boss me around because they thought I was young because I am tiny. 😂😂😂 NOPE
Older women who are jealous are just angry at them selves. They let men waste their youth or baby trap them and they are in pain especially when younger women make better decisions that they did. There are so many scorned women who wishes they would swap places with me, I hear many times that if they had my age they would do a lot of things different. Ppl might say that I dont have a lot of life epcerience but I can look at a baby trapped scorned woman, or Barbera the builder who has been replaced by a teen gold digger and decide that I don’t want to end up like that.
I build myself not men.
Her anger is definitely misdirected. The worker is just doing her job, it's not her fault she has a nice ass lol. The husband is rude and disrespectful for staring and ignoring his wife. I don't understand why men do this. They act like they have never seen a real life, flesh and blood, breathing woman before. I worked in construction for a while and the men I worked with would stare down random women who would be dressed normally and just going for a walk. It's fuckin' wild.
Men policing women's clothing, a tale as old as time.
Years ago in my 20s, I was much larger than I am now. I worked at a major pizza chain. One night I got called in on my night off and dressed in whatever I had which was close to but not really the preferred uniform. Uneventful night or so I thought. The next day I got a call to come in; the district manager wanted to talk to me. Turns out a scrote complained to the DM about my leggings. Never a word from him because he wasn’t even my customer! Just triangulated me with his scrote buddy the DM. I came in, scrote DM confronted me, I asked if that was his friend. He said yeah. I said, you need better friends, got up, walked off and started my shift. Never bothered again because of the power move. These people are idiots.
Although I am a grown ass woman of 47, with a shit ton of life experience, I'll have women who are just a few years older, like 50-55 pull the, "I'm older than you so I've got more wisdom than you" card. ROFL. It's ridiculous. So when I meet younger women, I never condescend to them like that.