Does anyone else feel this? I've been told this too by a few friends. I do have 'resting bitch face' a lot too! Some people have mentioned that I look angry or sad sometimes lol!
How on earth am I supposed to be open to meeting men irl when I must at least appear a little approachable for them to do so yet I don't. Obviously im not making the first move and I know that a little eye contact or a smile is about as low key as it gets but I struggle to even do this the majority of the time! However if a guy is more friendly and talkative it will help me feel more comfortable to do so. But this hardly happens. Or they're the LV desperate ones! I've actually noticed im better with those I don't find attractive but if I do find someone attractive then i clam up totally 😩 Any tips??
Men can go to war, provide for their families, be CEOs, powerlift, survive medical school, finish triathlons, qualify for Mensa. A man who cannot brave approaching a woman who has a serious expression is not worth your time. Don’t lower yourself in order to be “approachable.”
You're only unapproachable to insecure people- you're doing yourself a favor
Get rid of the friends who tell you that you have a bitch face. There are better ways to describe it. Aloof, on your guard or a bit cautious But never tolerate such disrespect. As for changes have a look at ppl that you like and how do they behave. try to mimic that.
I get this comment too sometimes
There is so much pressure for women to be nice all the time.
That's my personal opinion but being difficult to approach is good. People respect you more. People liking you is fickle. Respect is so much more valuable
I have resting bitch face also. If a guy is too scared to come up to me because of that, oh well that's his problem 🤷♀️
My friends husband even told me a lot of men are cowards and won't make the first move. Why would I want to be with a guy like that?
I feel the same. Not bragging but I think I'm attractive but hardly any men approach me, the only one who does are the old creeps (thank God it happens rarely). Actually in college I'm never approached, and I have the same issues, it's maybe because people perceive me as cold and serious but I don't see neither trait as something bad. If anyone has anything to say to us or some informations or I don't know, please share them with us.
I just stopped giving a f*ck. People who usually say this are a walking red flag to me because they can’t seem to wrap their head around the idea that everyone is different. We aren’t in a one size fit all category. Just because someone isn’t preppy, smiley and cheery all the time doesn’t mean they aren’t happy nor not angry. I see it as a compliment and am grateful when they say those things to me because it just tells me early on that I should stay away from them. When men say I should smile more often or I look unapproachable it just tells me more about them. I also love it because I actually become mean and give them the cold shoulder. They hate it every time 😃
Have you read “the power of the pussy”? It’s in the book list in the Handbook. I recommend it! She talks about the issue you are asking about. How to be approachable and etc. I don’t have any direct advice unfortunately. But the author of the book has a good approach on this, and she advices of course to never make the first move.
I also have mean girl resting face, to the extent that a random man on the street yelled at me for having it. It is what it is, it's not worth overthinking your natural facial and body posture just so other people can feel comfortable. If you were a guy it would be considered sexy and brooding lol.
Let’s state the facts- a large portion of men at LV.
LV men like “easy targets”.
You do not look like an east target.
Therefore you do not attract LV men.
Join groups where people actually get to talk to you and it’ll also help. Chess clubs and climbing gyms seem to have a lot of men that like to teach women if they don’t know how. Is that a good thing? I’m not sure. But you’ll get attention.
I would love to be less approachable, too many people feel the need to talk to me or comment on my appearance or follow me when I am in a rush and have my headphones in. I think there is a beauty to being unapproachable, it's a filter on its own, less LVM to deal with, count it as a blessing!
I've got resting bitch face too. Ironically, when we were forced to wear masks, it was incredible the difference in the way I was treated by other people. Much nicer, kinder, more open and willing to get to know me. I didn't realize my face was such a problem all these years till I covered it up. I Still wear 😷 for this reason
I could've written this because this has been my experience in the past. You're not alone and know that anyone that finds you intimidating needs to work on their confidence because provided you're not being mean to people (which I know you're not, seeing as they only call you intimidating because you don't walk around grinning) then what is there to be intimidated about?
I used to worry and be offended when people would tell me they thought I was a bitch (a guy in one of my classes at uni called me a btich because I kept to myself, didn't smile much and dressed well. Imagine being insulted because of that?!), cold, mean, arrogant, rude and intimidating until I came to understand that they were the ones with the problem because all I did myself and stay to myself. How is that frightening? I realised that they lacked confidence in themselves so seeing me not having a desperate need to talk to them or smile worried them because they wanted attention and validation. Me being comfortable in my own skin worried them because they weren't the same way. I've now come to see the word "intimidating" as a huge compliment - it means that you give off an aura of being focused, no-nonsense and "not to be played with".
Don't worry sis, they're the ones with the problem! Keep shining! 😆
I wear headphones ALL of the time and men still approach and ask why I am wearing headphones. I also wear rings on both fingers so people have to figure out if I’m married.
I have no regrets because most of these men want to waste my time. Talking to strangers is wildly overrated. Stay intimidating and the right one won’t think you are intimidating.
Think about a LeBron or a Novak. (Yeah they are married but pretend they were single). Masculine men with something to offer ARE NOT INTIMIDATED. They are inteigued. But those men are in the minority.