Seriously, okcupid, POF, and Match, Bumble, etc. I DON'T WANT TO PAY TO SEE WHO LIKES OR VIEWS ME!!!!! Also, what is it with these sites showing me ugly men that I'm not attracted to????? I'm sick of swiping left. Anyone else have this problem?
Also, can I just say that I'm glad I'm comfortable enough to post this here. If I did on reddit, I would get tantrums and downvotes.
We are literally the product. The men should have to pay so that they take it a little more seriously, and the brokest of the broke can look for dates in alleyways and on Facebook lol.
I had tinder for 1 day and deleted it. It showed my profile for several more days, apparently. So if anything, tinder owes me money.
Honestly, even if those sites were to give women better options for free in order to attract more women (which they should because there's a huge discrepancy in the ratio), men would just create profiles as women to access the free options then put it in their bio like they do with the 'honest age mistake' tactic 'i'M aCtUaLlY 54, mY PrOfIlE sAyS 34 BuT iT wOn'T lEt Me ChAnGe It". And then the MRAs and incels would scream about how. 'WoMeNz HaVe It So MuCh EaSiEr'. I'm just of the opinion that no woman should put up with OLD. There's so little return on investment and the deck is already stacked against us.
Haha Match is the one that irritated me recently. Why ask me my preferences and then just show me men who don’t meet those preferences(they even asked me to specify dealbreakers)! They’re like “pay to see who matched/messaged you” but I can tell by the previews that these are not men I desire.
they also sent an email every day saying something like “we think these matches are worth bending your preferences for”
no. They are not. even dating apps are pushing womens boundaries and begging us to lower our standards. i really don’t care about men who press a like button on me if they dont meet my bare minimums.