35? 45?? I have seen many men balding in their mid-20s, and PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction) in their 20s 😒 We’ve all seen how most men hit the wall well before 30.
I usually reply "Well considering you look like you SLAMMED into that wall at the speed of light I guess you would know. Also, I'm 36 so you can stop flirting and fuck off now."
Men and boys just say this to be abusive to women. It’s just a line they teach each other to repeat. Normal people—both men and women—are attracted to people their own age, want relationships with people their own age. 40-something men who are single are seeking out the 40-something women who are single.
I’m attracted to younger men- like 28-40. I’m 40 and these are the men that LOOK my age.🤣. Seriously though, I am shocked weekly at how badly men age.
But I don’t pursue or prey on younger men and my ideal mate is 4-5 years older or younger than me. Contrast that with my male counterparts who are looking for women as young as 18 because they want to manipulate them and are not seeking a nurse and purse vs an actual partner.
This is probably true that HVM are attracted to women their own age, but if you are using normal as a synonym for average, unfortunately the average man is attracted to girls in their young twenties, no matter his age, according to data from OkCupid. Considering that the average man is a scrote, it is not too difficult to believe. https://www.businessinsider.com/dataclysm-shows-men-are-attracted-to-women-in-their-20s-2014-10
Yes and I love that you acknowledge that the average man is a scrote. But came here to say that OkCupid is below average and there was also a study floated that mens peak attractiveness is 50 whereas for women it is 18. “Scrote science”😂
In my experience, men who are looking for short term sex don’t care how old a woman is. They want what will be easiest so they will choose the woman that will go for coffee vs the women who requires courtship- it doesn’t matter if the woman is 25 or 40. 💡Men who are interested in partnership and healthy relationship dynamics are more likely to seek an age mate. But that is not most men.
This is so true! There were so many men balding at 21 on my degree (UK). Especially the ones who strongly subscribed to overt masculinity (bragging about sleeping with girls, striving to get the most high-powered job, talking over others in a group). There's gotta be a correlation there.
I think porn and video games prematurely age men. They are sedentary and wasting their testosterone on hobbies/habits that don’t produce anything or value.
i wish i could say it’s not a daily discipline to not give in to the socially-induced devastation at having wrinkles and greying hair at 42. however, it definitely is nice to not be starving.
I’m not immune to social pressure and I don’t plan to be…I actually think we can mourn the passing of ”youth” without being devastated. But also, for me this is why it matters who I am around…people who are youth obsessed (women included) are a no for me.
My Mom is 8 years older than my Dad, and I never knew it until I was filling out forms for the Army and having to put my mother and father’s birthdates on them. She’s about to be 82 in December, is still working when he’s not worked in years, and she still looks better than him. Men always project their flaws onto women. It’s men who age so badly, and the proof of that is that they die younger. Most men don’t take care of themselves, because their attitude is that young women want them no matter what and that money somehow makes young women blind to their sagging skin and balls. Women tend to be more realistic about aging and also taken care of themselves better. A woman who takes care of herself will always look younger than a man just by virtue of having more than double the body fat that a man does; plump skin is youth. You can see that in my mother vs. my father. Her face is still so pretty, and my Mom’s mother was the exact same way. Grandma was still beautiful in her coffin at age 84.
Honestly!! I'm in my 20s and have been shocked by how fast some men my age have hit the wall. Some of them look like they could pass for twice their age.
This makes me so angry. I started panicking about the wall around 25. And now that I'm 38 I couldn't care less. But I remember agonizing about it. I think it should be called not a wall but a filter from the scrotes who want younger women to manipulate
It’s worse when pick-me’s keep parroting that women are the ones who “hit the wall”.Like this pick-me supreme: https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy.com//forum/pickme-culture/aly-villa-being-a-raging-misogynist-again
I don’t think the “wall” really exists to be honest. I’m in my late 20s but have been hit on by 18 year old men. I wouldn’t date that young personally, but it does happen.
Wear sunscreen and a hat and it will happen to you for the rest of your life.
The “wall” is scrote theory. Besides I‘m no longer afraid of not being sexually desirable to men because the lust of men has negative value. We really need to teach women that lust and love are NOT linked.
If the wall does exist, it means that fewer men want to use your aging body for sex. Women in their 20s are not getting a better pool of men, they just have less wisdom and experience to not get manipulated the way older women do. Thus the wall is 🤡 propaganda to get women to settle early for fear that they cant meet their own Leo DiCaprio.😂😂
Unknown member
Oct 15, 2022
My mother got hit on the other day and she is 56 years old, we were walking in the park minding our own business and this man passing by said.. are you guys sisters and then was like to my mother you are very pretty. this man looked about 45 too. 4 years away from 60 and men still calling her pretty. yeah don't believe the bullshit hitting the wall at 30, 30 is still young and like you arent supposed to look old at 30 and anyway there is absolutely nothing wrong with being old.
Unknown member
Jan 09, 2023
Try earlier. Scrotes go balding and have erectile dysfunction by their early 20s. Source: my ex. Fuck him.
35? 45?? I have seen many men balding in their mid-20s, and PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction) in their 20s 😒 We’ve all seen how most men hit the wall well before 30.
I usually reply "Well considering you look like you SLAMMED into that wall at the speed of light I guess you would know. Also, I'm 36 so you can stop flirting and fuck off now."
Men and boys just say this to be abusive to women. It’s just a line they teach each other to repeat. Normal people—both men and women—are attracted to people their own age, want relationships with people their own age. 40-something men who are single are seeking out the 40-something women who are single.
Tbh all women I know who are in their 40s say its the most grounded and confident they have ever felt. You are too old to take bs from others
My Mom is 8 years older than my Dad, and I never knew it until I was filling out forms for the Army and having to put my mother and father’s birthdates on them. She’s about to be 82 in December, is still working when he’s not worked in years, and she still looks better than him. Men always project their flaws onto women. It’s men who age so badly, and the proof of that is that they die younger. Most men don’t take care of themselves, because their attitude is that young women want them no matter what and that money somehow makes young women blind to their sagging skin and balls. Women tend to be more realistic about aging and also taken care of themselves better. A woman who takes care of herself will always look younger than a man just by virtue of having more than double the body fat that a man does; plump skin is youth. You can see that in my mother vs. my father. Her face is still so pretty, and my Mom’s mother was the exact same way. Grandma was still beautiful in her coffin at age 84.
even some of the ones in their 20’s look bad. all that partying, drugs, and drinking
This makes me so angry. I started panicking about the wall around 25. And now that I'm 38 I couldn't care less. But I remember agonizing about it. I think it should be called not a wall but a filter from the scrotes who want younger women to manipulate
It’s worse when pick-me’s keep parroting that women are the ones who “hit the wall”. Like this pick-me supreme: https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy.com//forum/pickme-culture/aly-villa-being-a-raging-misogynist-again
I don’t think the “wall” really exists to be honest. I’m in my late 20s but have been hit on by 18 year old men. I wouldn’t date that young personally, but it does happen.
My mother got hit on the other day and she is 56 years old, we were walking in the park minding our own business and this man passing by said.. are you guys sisters and then was like to my mother you are very pretty. this man looked about 45 too. 4 years away from 60 and men still calling her pretty. yeah don't believe the bullshit hitting the wall at 30, 30 is still young and like you arent supposed to look old at 30 and anyway there is absolutely nothing wrong with being old.
Try earlier. Scrotes go balding and have erectile dysfunction by their early 20s. Source: my ex. Fuck him.