It's impossible to dig for gold where there is none, but they still think about it. I've heard cheap men actually call a woman a gold digger just because she wants to be treated out.
Also real gold diggers tend to end up dating men who are with them for equally or more shallow reasons. So I rarely sympathize with rich men who end up with gold diggers because the men who attract them typically are youth digging or worse.
I've heard from males that women "meal dig" which I guess I can understand? They say they know women who exclusively keep men in their phone to only call for a free meal? Which is cringey, but I also have a hard time believing that most women are that desperate to eat for free. We have so many options and I wonder what men who are concerned about "meal diggers" are thinking if a women is actually interested in them and just wants to be treated right.
It takes effort and time for us women when we go out and I think men who say they don't do dinner on the first date because they don't want to be used for a meal are insecure and too out of touch with reality sometimes. I had a doctor recently ask me on an ice cream date, he said he never does a meal the first date because he wants to test compatibility or chemistry before treating someone out to a real dinner. Is it just me, or does that come off super cheap? Yikes. I stopped responding to that guy.
My friend said often times with men, "there's no pot of gold at the end of their rainbow. These men are delusional."
My Nex, had the balls to accuse me of trying to use him for his money after I financially supported his unemployed,broke ass for 5 years.. He didn't have any money,he was dirt poor. Then COVID happened and Trump administration was giving out money to everyone. I did his taxes so he could get the checks, then I filled out his unemployment application,and he started getting that money. When I lost my job, I needed some help, and thought he would support me, after I financially supported him for 5 years, and he had the nerve to tell me I was trying to use him for his money. "Oh that government money you mean? That money that you wouldn't have if I hadnt done your taxes and filled out your application form because you are too ducking dumb to do yourself?!?!!" God I was livid!
Any man in the U.S. who complains about paying for a dinner date is trash. It means he is broke (and therefore not ready to date) and/or not vetting effectively (i.e., asking too many women on dates).
As an American woman, I set mental benchmarks for how much a man should spend on a date based on his income. A doctor (or any other man who earns six figures) should have no trouble footing the bill for dinner at an upscale restaurant, drinks at an upscale bar after dinner, and transportation between venues. The total cost should be in the low hundreds of dollars at least. A man who makes less than six figures should foot the bill for dinner at a mid-level restaurant, if nothing else. This should cost around a hundred dollars. I consider these requirements bare minimum, and any man who tries to convince me otherwise is cheap and full of shit.
For most of history having money as a man meant you could buy a woman's loyalty to you, her whole life in fact. In fact this is still going on today in impoverished countries & so-called "civilized" first world nations in secret. This is technically the first generation of men that can buy a woman dinner and NOT be guaranteed a free sex cook cleaning slave. The ruling class (men) has a hard time adjusting to equalities. I bet in 1866 there were a ton of whites who yelled "RUNAWAY!!!" when they saw a Black person casually walking down the street minding their business.
Yes, this is talked about in some of the podcasts. It's more about these men being angry about not having access to these types of women, because gold diggers are most certainly not hanging around broke scrotes. Those same men however will become rich or get some money, and then start chasing the supposed gold diggers that they hated.
I also just find it so silly for them to be so vocally disturbed by this. Yeah, there's going to be people who try to use others for their money even if they don't have a lot, but IMO I think that's very easily fixed by just...having fucking boundaries. If someone asks you for money...don't fucking give it to them? I don't really get it.
I do think if you want to have a healthy dating life you should have a healthy financial life too - not saying you need to be super rich but like, don't be broke. If you're truly broke the last thing you should be thinking about is dating. I also agree that I don't think men are being used for meals (without their knowledge and consent) as often as these complainers will make people believe.
Men who mention being used for a meal are either
Completely making shit up, which is expected from domestic abusers. Or
Bribing homeless and/or clearly drug addicted women for sex.
Either way these men are end stage porn addict Jeffrey dahmers. Any man who waves around a mcdonalds muffin for blowjobs shouldn't have a family. They shouldn't be near anyone else's family or even their own for that matter. Out of touch with reality is an understatement.
Out of curiosity, did this doctor ask you a single question about your personality? I've noticed men don't really give a shit about compatibility (how does one test 'compatibility' with an oven?) or their own safety (but women totally equally bad as men). If she doesn't keep in line with the idea he has of her in his head, he can just beat and/or manipulate her. You know, like when you slap a printer and it starts working again.
>I've heard from males that women "meal dig" which I guess I can understand? They say they know women who exclusively keep men in their phone to only call for a free meal?
Don't extend these guys any sympathy, they're delusional liars who want to be seen as victims. "Meal digging" isn't a thing unless they're taking advantage of women in poverty.
If they're taking so many women out to dinner and not getting second dates, something is wrong with the guy, period.
These men love acting dumb but we all know if they got the chance they would date a gold digger. They dgaf because they are superficial themselves. They are just mad they dont have the money for it.
I mean, we see it all the time, rich men date young beautiful women who are very obviously with them because of their money and they still stay with them. The sex, status, the ego boost they get out of it is worth every penny for them. These broke men are trying to live a fantasy cause they know they are broke, they just wouldnt have any other reason why no woman wants them otherwise.