Ned Fulmer cheating on his wife with one of his employees who was also engaged: A low value situation all around. He was the co creator of the YouTube channel/show and the rest of the guys kicked him out for being trash, as they should. Ned has 2 kids with his wife, Ariel. They were married since 2012.
A lot of old buzz feed videos will show him fawning over her, talking about how lucky he is to have her. So this is very disappointing, but not surprising as I learned from experience that even the most seemingly loving men aren't always authentically what they portray themselves as.
Piece of shit took his mistress to a fucking Harry Styles concert of all places. He gave 0 fucks or regard for his wife and kids.

That's wild. I'm glad to see he's been publicly shunned professionally, society needs more support for victims, more to stand up and say "We're not ok with such behaviour".
I’m glad it’s public. Everyone now knows how shitty he is. I seriously hope she doesn’t take him back because that will be such a pick me behaviour.
They all say the same thing when they get caught, it’s CrAAAzzYY 😂
this is one of those things that makes me think HVM are more like a legend than a reality.
Wow. Just wow. Ariel take him to the cleaners.
Lol @ the Try Guys kicking him out. Why do I feel like they knew about his foolish ways🧐?
This is sooooo common amongst the e-famous crowd and it baffles me EVERY TIME
- Socially awkward guy who doesn't date as many women as he wants growing up marries the first woman to put up with him
- Gets internet famous by doing youtube, music, art, etc because people online find his curated image funny or charming
- Pickmeishas online and irl flock to him because....idk, even e-famous men are still famous I guess? groupie effect?
- Scrote has never been popular in his life (probably for good reason) but lets this attention go to his head
- Results in cheating because ~he just can't help it, he's never gotten this much female attention before, waaaaah~
I've heard several really minor male creators even "joke" that they hope they get popular just so they attract these kinds of fans. Be wary of any man that wants to become famous.
I know this is a little different because it's an irl employer-employee situation and not a groupie but it wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't more to it. These scrotes don't typically cheat only once.
At least one of the Try Guys (Keith) knew. You can see from Reddit posts that Ned had sketchy behavior that crossed boundaries. Men who are the loudest of I love my wife types are over compensating. The company had to let Ned go because it’s a seriously liability that a co-owner had a romantic relationship with a subordinate. The company can’t also fire Alex because she can sue them as the “victim.” It’s easier to let Ned go and buy him out but let’s be clear, people had to have known of his behavior but didn’t take serious action until everything blew up yesterday. He was already being phased out from videos but yesterday was the final nail on the coffin.
That's crazy, considering the fact that his wife was his whole personality.
“Family should have always been my priority, but I lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship. I’m sorry for any that my actions may have caused to the guys and the fans but most of all to Ariel,” "Consensual workplace relationship." He cheated. Why are people okay with subpar apologies where the man always downplays what he did wrong. That lady needs to divorce him.
Ugh. This confirms some old-school advice I've heard about left-leaning, not-so-cute men recently.
I think Ariel is going to stay with Ned, she's still wearing the wedding ring and her statement includes consideration for Ned. Contrast that with Will (the partner of Alex who cheated with Ned) who immediately cut off ties to Alex though social media.
I don't think any wife of a famous husband who has cheated has ever left, unfortunately: from Dominic West who had pictures taken publicly of him and Lilly James to Beyonce and Jay-Z to Ryan Haywood who groomed underaged girls.
A lesson to vet hard because when you're married and have children, you'll be so deep in sunk cost fallacy you will be tied to that man forever and will not be able to see any way out.
She said “nothing is more important to me and Ned than our family.” Lol Whaaa? Obviously, something was more important. These broads are delusional.
In short, never give the "nice guy" a chance. He will not treat you better because you ignore the fact that you're not attracted to him.
I hope the Good Mythical Morning dudes arent on the same bs 😢
Consensual, not consentual?