Hi ladies, feel free to agree or disagree with me, chime in with whatever your thoughts are on this post. Basically, I see a massive uptick in red pill derangement syndrome from men - mostly on X, but I see it infiltrating all areas of life. From the local radio presenter claiming women use men for free dinners, to facebook dating group posts where men claim it's best to ignore a woman you're dating after you hook up (if she doesn't beg for your attention once you sleep with her, she is "for the streets"). A post on X with thousands of likes encouraging men in their 40's to divorce their wives (regardless of whether their wife is good to them or not) and restart with a 22 year old.
Men often claim their gripe is with women get subsidies, receive more in taxes. Okay, fair enough - but take that up with the state. They are treating women badly, arguably abusively on a personal level. It doesn't make any sense.
Basically, I think this is going to become worse and worse. How do you all feel about the rise in this anti-woman mentality? I'm trying to stay optimistic, but it's rough out there.
I think there needs to be a movement to counter this, but I don't think libfem is the answer. Is FDS the answer to the red pill?
Yes... FDS is the answer to the Red Pill, but it's also the answer to men treating us like shit for centuries.
TRP just isn't that special.
I think especially now, it’s important to form supportive bonds with other women and to cut off toxic men
Also, I would definitely set boundaries with online content, especially male-created content - for me, it can definitely cause anxiety
wtf I can’t believe the post on X was encouraging males to divorce their wives, wtf is wrong with them? These males really have developed too much confidence watching these RP podcasts. Like wtf. They really think they’re so special other women will want them. Its actually disgusting. They overvalue their worth. Why on Earth should women “beg” for men? What are these males offering that women need to “beg for their attention” like this is insane. It’s men who benefit from relationships far more than women ever have. In terms of subsidies, social welfare programs and health subsidies women will receive higher financial aid for child care assistance and reproductive health care. Not because women are “privileged” it’s a literal necessity. These men are too dumb and seflish as fuck to get that tho.
I am abut anxious about the future with the rise of RP and misogny. I’ve deleted almost all social media platforms except tumblr, this space and sometimes I go on women centric subreddits to see what’s going on. It was effecting my mental health so I have to take breaks from socials. But in terms of where I see this going, women have to be seriously careful with their safety in general and especially when dating males (if women are still planning on dating males) The only options to this is FDS, 4B and radical feminism. Men’s anger is going to increase because of the content they watch, it’s everywhere. These males are literal unhinged animals. I wish I had a proper answer but I am worried about the safety of women and girls. I’m hoping this type of rhetoric dies down. 😭
Yikes 😬