Oh poor baby girl. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. She advocates for drink/coffee dates. She says to pregame so you're a bit loose before the date!!!! -this one really scared me.
While I agree Thursday is a fine date night a woman should not accept a 2nd date on Thursday for that very same weekend. That man needs to learn that you as a HVW require more planning and forethought and your weekend time (or whatever free time you have) is valuable.
She's correct in that men do need to feel the chase and miss you so to leave after the date and to have plans with friends so you have somewhere to be after. But she then negates herself by saying or you can cancel your plans if things are going well implying you'll go home with this fool.
Love to hear y'alls thoughts?
Update. Just saw her tiktok bio says: "commando, anxious, horngry"
Shaking my damn head.
She is probably a lost cause but maybe her followers can be converted to FDS
She did have some FDS things to say like the man should pay...
Some good advice mixed in with some truly terrible, dangerous advice. I do agree that you shouldn't be penpals beforehand. But dang, this girl is going to get date raped, and probably cause others to be, too.
That is such bad advice. I would not drink alcohol at all on the day of the date. I hope no one listens to that.
Alcohol does help me tolerate men