I’m so angry right now and need to rant, opinions welcome.
Last Christmas, I traveled to meet my boyfriends family at their home for the first time. He booked both our tickets there. I went and did some traveling by myself after which I booked.
Weeks after we both got back, he asked me when I’m “going to reimburse him” for the flight he bought me so I could meet his family. I told him no and that I don’t think this is fair, he invited me, gender differences, etc etc. he claimed to see my point and dropped it.
Now months later, we are having similar arguments regarding his responsibility to pay and it reminded me of this Christmas situation. So I brought it up again and asked him what he would ideally want his gf to do in that situation.
He responded “I would expect that she would ask me what flight I’m on, and go and book her ticket herself.”
What 😂😂 it would be hilarious if I wasn’t somehow dating this guy. How does he seriously think a woman should not only spend her time and emotional energy, but now also her money on meeting HIS FAMILY?? Huh??
How tf am I with this person and how do I get out 😭😭
Edit: he just sent me a message saying he’s “been journaling” and has a “clearer understanding of the problems he’s bringing to the relationship” lololol and wants to meet up to sprout some bullshit to try to trap me again. NOPE
I have my own issues with my step-father (and most boomers in general) but I can admit that men from his generation understood the assignment. Together for 30 years and to this day my mom can’t tell you her credit card balance or what octane gas to put in her car because her man takes pride in being the one to anticipate and take care of her every need. He knows she is the prize and moves accordingly. Meanwhile, these new males are solely focused on gaslighting women into splitting the rent, going 50/50 and working two jobs so they can be stay at home sons. Send the flood.
Gurl...😂😂 I'm laughing cause this is ridiculous. Your bf got the prize forf being the biggest clown of 2022, cheers🤡 If I were you, I'd send a short breakup text and block him. Better: don't even send the text, just ghost him, he doesn't deserve an explanation after you've told him more than once that you paying to meet his family is unfair. I swear, men have nothing but THE AUDACITY.
This reminds me of a Deborah Cooper video where she answers her subscribers dating questions.
This guys family had a family cabin that everyone uses. His grandma owns it and asks each adult family member to pay 200$, one time a year, to help with the cabins upkeep.
Sounds pretty reasonable right? Children and GUESTS arent expected to pay anything because COMMON SENSE. That would be ridiculous and rude.
This guy asked if he was an asshole because he expected his new girlfriend, whom HE INVITED, to pay the 200$. Deb fucking roasted his clown ass. What? Does the girlfriend get a stake in the cabin and gets to take her and her girlfriends there whenever she wants? Because that's also what the price is for. Year round access for FAMILY members.
He just wanted to pocket the girlfriends money and make her a fucking chump lol. He got rightfully dragged.
He's cheap and entitled and this will not get better. How do you get out? You block his number and immediately start letting other, far more interesting men take you on dates--that they pay for, of course. You owe him nothing.
How do you get out? You just do. You don’t owe anyone an explanation or justification. If you do not have any shared obligations with this man, e.g. children, you simply exit the situation and you block and delete the scrote. I invite you to read the handbook posts and invest time and effort in your levelling up journey prior to dating again to equip you with the skills to cut someone off when red flags become apparent.
lmao. How can you even stay sexually attracted to that? Gurl fucking ruuuuuuuun 🤢 🤮
Good bloody god. You're supposed to PAY to travel to see his parents?! You wouldn't be going there to visit if not for his parents....soo....um...yeah. He's on the hook to pay. If by chance his parents lived in the exact spot you were taking a planned vacation, that's a different story, but wow.
Even my trash ex paid (and I didn't hear any complaints) when I went to see his parents with him. He knew I wasn't spending my own damn money to go to a dump of a city and sleep in someone's spare room. Shudder
Hahahaha, I’m sorry, but that’s both sad and funny 😂😂 Going dutch to meet hi’s parents 😂🤡🤡 Anyway, I can’t find your comment about «what will people think», but I’ll address it either way: Before my divorce I was so concerned about what people would think if I left. Breaking up the family, possibly traumatizing my kids, not even 30 yet, etc. I was freaking out. But… Turned out people don’t really care that much… Went waaaaay better than I feared. And girl, you aren’t even married! No kids, nothing! If your friends think badly of you for leaving, then let them. Then they’re not your real friends and you’ll know and can level up from them.
Ummmmmmmmm -so he's obviously not taken to the training you gave him last Christmas. Him throwing it back in your face like this is ridiculous, let him go. Him saying his ideal girlfriend would coordinate and plan and pay her way around his plans is extremely telling: this man only wants a girlfriend, and that he does not see his girlfriend as his future wife. This man has no intention of treating you as family- RUN
Please do not care "what our mutual friends would think" if you left him. If you even suspect that he would do a smear campaign, then yes, he WILL smear you, you NEED to not give a shit.
I have a friend who wont leave her ex husband. (Yes, EX husband. He smeared her to their church when she first left and she came back to him)
She doesn't want to leave him because "what would people think?"
- They haven't gone to church in a decade
- He has no friends because he's a piece of shit.
- I am her only friend
- She is 70 fucking years old and still getting black eyes from a scrote
wHaT WoUlD pEoPLe tHiNk?
DO NOT CARE. You are barely even a blip in their lives. They might briefly talk some shit then forget about you. I promise these people arent that invested in your personal relationship or life. Fuck em. Leave him.
Hold up. Let me get this straight. He had the audacity to ask you for a reimbursement and you stayed with him months later? As soon as I would receive a text like that, I would scream in laughter and them block his stupid ass. That's it, done and over with.
He just shown you that you are not going to be his future Mrs with that attitude of his. It's time to break up. Sorry.
A long time ago, I actually paid to travel with my then boyfriend to see his friends, and they didn't even like me. Twice. Never again.
Broke up with him tonight and I feel so devastated :( He did say he was wrong about this but I don’t care tbh, I only care about his actions
Why are you with this scrote? Dump his ass. Send a message that says we are done. Block, delete everything. No explanation. What a loser
Update? I'm dying to know. I'll let Santa know to send him coal this Christmas.
If he brings up wanting his money back, pretend you didn't hear him and just say "thank you for the ticket! It was so much fun. Love you babe." Now he looks like the asshole for wanting you to pay for something you "assumed was a gift"
If he wants you to meet his family, you don't want to pay, just say "sorry its too expensive for me 🥺 I would love to go though." Use some feminine charm. Now he's dying to pay for you to come see them instead of arguing about how the girlfriend should pay. Now he gets the chance to show off how wealthy he is, and avoid looking like a chump for not being able to buy his gf's tickets.
If you don't want to pay you don't have to pay. You are the woman. You have better people skills to maneuver the conversation to your advantage and get the men to pay.