All the aunts are pickme’s they paid for Men and still got left behind. Felt bad for their drunk bf and had to leave when he became violent. Did everything in the pickme handbook to keep a man but he still went. Some were the cool girl doing 50/50 but got full custody when he left to live with another woman. Another one was married for 15 years but still dealt with domestic violence. She wanted to report him to the police but because he made things right with her she dropped the charges and told the police she lied and had to go to jail.
One older nephew threatened his pregnant gf with a screwdriver and punched her A black eye but her pickme friends told her that she can’t deny him visitation rights Eventhough he threatened that after she gave birth she will see what he’ll do to her.
And not just in the family but any other pickme never got that wonderful life she was hoping for. A pickme proudly said she was married for 20 years and when I asked her how she did it I couldn’t believe my ears. She talks about him like she raised a difficult toddler into an adult.
With other words she was like “Let him do what he wants and communicate”
So what’s the harm in being alone still Because scrotes can’t meet your standards? You need to understand that men are like a bag of peanuts. Some are good but most are rotten so it takes a while until you crack the right one open. Why give a rotten one a chance when you already know the outcome?
I can’t say I’m an expert when it comes to relationships but I used to be a pickme who would give anyone a chance as long as they say the “I love you” magical words. never once did I feel truly happy. I just felt used and taken for granted.
If a mans existence in your life doesn’t benefit you it’s time to vanish.
Cuddles, keep him entertained, Cooking, choosing out of love, Coffee dates, 50/50 serves him only.
But proving To you that he can defend and provide, Impressing you with dinner dates Will serve you like a Queen.
A man high in value is not a team player, he knows his place as a provider. And will not prioritise what he wants from you or what’s convenient for him. Instead he will prioritise what he can offer.
If a family adopts a child because their parents are on drugs, they are praised for it. But if a mother tries to gain sole custody because the father is on drugs, she is vindictive, shameful... why can't she just forgive and peacefully coparent (while her kids spend half their lives in a crack house).
I also think there's a cost with lowering your standards. Giving up integrity. If there are things you value in a partner you should stand by that. Live in line with what you value.
All of that happened and yet society still pins all the blame on women instead of on men. It's such a losing game all around.