This post was Inspired by a comment where where someone wrote that they "felt like men had given up dating" before we did, and it's quite true. Men haven't wanted to "date" us in a long time; they only want to use us for our domestic and emotional labor and their own personal entertainment system sex servants, and don't even want to bother with even paying for a $20 entrée or a couple movie tickets in exchange, let alone return a tenth of what we give them sexually and emotionally.
As a Millennial born in the early 90s, I feel like right when I became interested in dating (mid-to late 2000s) was the last gasp of anything resembling courtship before we all descended into Lib Fem Pick-Me Hell. I have rarely had what I consider a normal date or relationship trajectory, and I initiated the majority of my relationshits because men have been so ridiculously passive and yes, women have a sex drive and yes, it's perfectly normal to want relationships with those you are attracted to, and I felt like if I didn't pursue (this was years ago FYI) I would be single forever and it was extremely frustrating to feel like everything I had been taught about men (classic FDS for the most part actually - be friendly, modest, well-dressed, and men will appreciate you and come, you don't need to chase) and life was dead wrong.
I had been gradually pulling away from men even before finding FDS because any level of engagement with them - -50/50 dates, walk dates, coffee dates that never go anywhere, dumb FWB in which, to paraphrase an absolute goddess on this forum, "christ would come before I do," a hundred cases of sexual harassment and ham-fisted innuendo on dating apps, social media orbiting, arguing with me about anything, not taking me seriously, and constantly pushing my boundaries with PUA/Redpill tactics -- was very draining, and I wasn't getting any sexual, romantic, or emotional fulfillment from them. I tried. I really did. But FDS was the final nail in the coffin, and while I'm still open to a relationship if a man comes along in my life who seems like a great match, I'm no longer wasting my time.
This is not to say I'm "not dating" because really, that's not what men have been offering for 10, 20, maybe even 30 years at this point. What they offer is a stream of constant humiliation, bullying and manipulation under the guise of feminism and equality and call it "dating."
So, I'm very much open to dating...just not disrespect.
They don't even call it a date anymore. All I ever get is scrotes who want to "meet up". They hate the word date.
They also barely ever come up with an idea. They just want to meet up... And if they suggest something it's a coffee or a walk date, even now in winter, when it's freezing cold and shitty weather in general.
I'm so mentally exhausted from all the shitty meet ups I've been on.
All I want is a guy, who actually asks for a date, plans something cool and isn't afraid of actually dating someone.
I think women giving up on dating is definitely a result of men’s bad behavior. Dating has become f*cking, and that’s it. There’s no romance, no care, no thoughtfulness, no sincerity, no respect, no consideration, etc. Why would a woman continually put herself into situations where she gets repeated hurt and used? I can’t tell you the untold hours of reading books on what men want, how to be a good wife/girlfriend, red pill shit, and everything else. The hours of prayer begging God to send me a decent man to have a family with. The acceptance of every guy who asked me out except two who negged me first. What the f*ck else is a girl supposed to do? We can only control ourselves, and if we’ve done everything we can think of to be a good woman, and that STILL doesn’t make even one man in 30 years appreciate and love us, what is the f*cking point? I couldn’t care less what men want, because the truth is they want a sex robot that they can take out of the closet when they want to use her for sex, cooking, cleaning, or to show to their buddies, then they want to power her down and stick her back into the closet until next time. That’s what men truly want. A walking, non talking, cleaning/cooking fleshlight robot. I’m so done with men that I don’t even care if a “good” one comes along, because I no longer believe they exist.
I’m a millennial too and I’ve only been on one “real” date in my life and he immediately groped me after the restaurant. Every relationship I had, the men were lazy af, I always ended up wearing the pants, losing my attraction to them, and leaving them. I’m very done with it. If zero effort is all men are offering right now, I don’t want it. I’m completely in camp “not dating unless it’s actually worth it and he actually benefits my life”.
Hey girl, early 90s millennial here as well. I think dating in first world countries basically died sometime in the early 2010s, and we haven't recovered from it as a society ever since. I don't think it's ever going to recover until and unless all women drop men altogether and it becomes an international emergency lol. They're already writing articles about the "dangers" of single women becoming more and more common nowadays, especially women of a certain age.
Men gave up for quite a long time now. I think it's women these days who's resigned and quietly enjoying our lives without romantic relationships anymore. Men can't even be good for casual sex, because they refuse to give us an orgasm; it's only a matter of time before men find themselves without much opportunities for NSA encounters, either.
I also hear you loudly about men being passive. All the men I've liked, were attracted to, or dated/had relationships with.. none of them made the first move. Makes me wonder if I'd still be a virgin right now, lmao. What's once 50/50 is quickly becoming 0/100, with men giving absolutely 0% of finances or resources of any sort into the relationship. At least back in the old days when women had no means of getting paid, we would give male prospects affection and emotional intimacy and, in a serious relationship or marriage, sex and uptaking domestic responsibilities. Men who are in their sassy feminine essences right now won't even do any of that plus not paying a single cent.
I believe men have made it loud and clear that they no longer want to be with women in all seriousness. We as women can't force anyone to be with us if they don't want us, so I think it's time we wave our little white flag and call it a truce. I'm going to fall all the way back and just relax from here on out. If a man wants me.. he'll have to come get me and do most of the pushing and heaving to create the relationship he wants with me, because I'm done.
💯 Constant streams of verbal and financial abuse is out there being called “dating.” It’s just for cruel male entertainment purposes only at this point.
I completely understand all of this.
A core tenant of FDS is.. to date. It's what the D literally stands for. But how can we do that if men won't do what they're supposed to do?
And if, statistically, most men are trash, and HVM are astoundingly rare (which I believe a lot of us underestimate), and a lot of us want to partner with a man and (potentially) have children but refuse to settle for trash, then how do we navigate staying single for a long time--potentially the rest of our lives--if the right man does not come along?
FDS is a great strategy to help us raise our standards and teach self-worth. But it does not guarantee that we are going to find the man of our dreams. And, of course, FDS does not make men act less terribly.
A lot of us have very specific ideas of what we want out of dating/relationships. But if the men are not showing up and giving us what we want and deserve, then I feel like at some point we have to start talking about potentially giving up dreams that we might have had for our lives. It potentially means, for example, that we might have to give up on having a nice man to make wonderful memories and build a life with. We might have to give up being married and having that lavish wedding we've planned since we were 8. We might have to give up on having a husband and 4 kids like we might have wanted. We might end up only having 2. We might end up having none. Or we end up being single mothers by choice because there are so few (single) men that would make potentially great fathers--which, of course, isn't inherently bad, but if you're someone that's always wanted a two-parent household, then you might have to rethink some things.
I think it's wonderful that we're refusing to settle. But I also want us to be aware that refusing to settle may mean that we will grieve some dreams that will never be. The energy that we would have put into marriage and motherhood, we might have to put into other things. We might have to cultivate other aspects of our lives. We might have to think of an alternate life path that we never thought we would take--an alternate life path that doesn't include a (male) partner. And we need to be prepared for that possibly, since men have made it clear that their behavior is not going to get better anytime soon.
So what do we do with that? What do we do with the realization that most men are trash, and we are going to have to act accordingly? How do we navigate those feelings? I'd love to know what you all think.
I'm a couple of years older than you but yeah - the older I've gotten the less seriously men have taken dating and just want hookups or whatnot. Thankfully I didn't give in to any of this and have been single for six full years since my last relationship (which was barely a relationship, because he barely dated me - yeah, I was still in my pick-me phase, but I was a late bloomer and wised up to it after a year of that nonsense. Better late than never.).
I just want nothing to do with them for the most part. I'm open to a HVM popping up in my life, but by god I will not go out of my way to sift through the absolute muck to find him. I've got a life to live and other people I care about more.
Post like these is why I love FDS. I feel so much less alone ♥️
that's why i say i've given up on men.
I agree with people saying it has become all about sex, and what’s more disturbing is how much that has changed. Sex isn’t even something that most guys want to enjoy with a partner anymore. They want to enjoy it alone, thinking of god knows what gross porn inspired fantasy, while another human warms their dick and gets no pleasure out of it. Even sex with a partner, truly WITH a partner, has become rare.