I'm very new to this space but so far I'm loving how unabashed and truly ruthless you women are! It's only been less than a week and I look forward to reading new posts every morning. I can't wait to get into the handbook!
I guess I just want to share my most recent and pressing frustration and that's with older men who try to shoot their shot with younger women.
Lately, I’ve been SO frustrated with the rhetoric/LIE that younger women want older men. I was at a local restaurant yesterday and the older men were just STARING and I hated it. Especially seeing as though my mother is 62, single and looking and her age mates delusionally believe they have a chance with me. Meanwhile a 40-something guy is chatting me up and I can tell that he USED to be hot but to me, this is still someone too old for me. I’m 29 and when Im out wearing loungewear or my gym clothes I get mistaken for 21 years old - teenagers still approach me thinking I’m their age mate. I can’t stand that young women are getting on the internet screaming about wanting a sugar daddy because it’s shifting the dynamic in a way that’s just not beneficial for women. I believe sex work is legitimate but most of these women are simply NOT true sex workers. At the same restaurant some late-50’s man offered to pay all my bills UNPROVOKED, it was actually quite insulting. It’s just so frustrating because my heart really hurts for my mom. Yes, I don’t want her to end up with a creepy old man either but I guess I have this false hope that if men were realistic about pursuing their equals, my mother and I wouldn’t have to remain single.
Sex work isn’t work, it’s rape. Guys who watch porn and buy women are NVM, even worse than just regular LVM. Same for women, who watch porn and pimp out women. They’re predators and objectively horrible people. I’d re-read the handbook and check back on values, if you hang around that NV crowd then yeah, you’re never going to meet someone HV. Part of being a HVW is by vetting friendships, too. That said, old men who try it are NVM who will die alone and in squalor. I learned to laugh at these men and watch them scurry away like the ashamed creeps they are.
I smell mountains and moss. I wonder who is hidden up there. Might it be a troll?😅 *First post by unverified user. *Focus on us being ruthless. *Blaming women for being gaslit into believing that John's are not violent abusive rapists. *See being single as something horrible. *"Real sex work". You mean paid rape? Do better next time. To obvious 🥰
Sex work is not comparable to being a manager at McDonald’s or other jobs under capitalism. The nature of the industry is highly exploitative and dangerous. 68% of female sex workers interviewed met criteria for lifetime diagnosis of PTSD as a result of previous trauma and trauma incurred in the process of sex work(getting raped). Female sex workers face extremely high risks of violence and sexual assault from johns. You couldn’t say the same about working at McDonald’s. This is a pretty cardinal principle of FDS. I understand you say you’re new here so do some research on this topic and finish reading the handbook as this is a community for likeminded women. This is a good place to start reading about the Nordic model and the violence women face doing prostitution: https://nordicmodelnow.org/facts-about-prostitution/fact-prostitution-is-inherently-violent/
I understand what you mean by the romantization of the sugar baby lifestyle not being beneficial to women. This is especially popular with younger women from ethnic or immigrant backgrounds. We’ve been socialized to believe attention from old lechers is a prize. It’s a multi layered issue impacted by classism and misogyny.
I (think I) understand what you mean by sex workers are victims of brutal capitalist systems like others in the rat race. But it’s not quite the same. I feel like capitalism has been labeled the next villainous beast, but it’s much more nuanced.
Sex work cuts across cultures, countries and economies. Even in communist and socialist systems there are sex workers. And capitalism is a system that rewards innovation, ingenuity, according to the individuals contributions to the human experience. I personally have no quarrels with it but think a mixed economy is optimal, with certain industries such as healthcare, private prisons etc not being under the purview of capitalism.
I understand you haven’t read the Handbook, but the reason you’re being pegged as a troll is bc FDS is staunchly against sex work and pornography. I believe as time goes on, you’ll form similar opinions. Any work done within ruthless capitalist structures such as the US, where there are no sacred cows can be exploitative. But not to the extent of sex work. It is why FDS critiques surrogacy. To own another persons body is different in use and practice from owning or licensing their intellectual products. The sex worker and program manager at Google have vastly different experiences under capitalism. So to paint sex work as “legitimate” bc it shares a singular parallel is disingenuous.
Prostitution is the raw reflection of how society views women: exists for men's needs
Those that suggest that women can actually enjoy any of it don't understand anything about women's deepest needs
Okay, I don't know if OP is a troll or not, but assuming this isn't some weird trolling attempt: I also get very angry about the age thing as well. I look quite younger than my actual age and it attracts so many predators like it's going out of style, and they always act so fucking creepy about it. Even when I tell them my real age, either they don't believe me, or they're shocked but still start pushing for my time or possibility of having sex with them.
Sex work is NOT work, it's glorified paid rape and another sector of a violent male society that oppresses women worldwide. Porn is the same thing. In fact, prostitutes and porn stars who have a very nubile look despite being over their early to mid 20s are paid to do sick things like pretending to be underage teenagers in films- I came across some shocking videos one time of an adult actress who has a very young looking face and was very slim/short, and they dressed her up as a middle schooler for the scenes. The screenshots literally looked like straight up CP, if you catch my drift. That was the very last time I looked up pornography and it's been many years since then.
And it's because of these materials that it endangers both teenage girls as well as adult women who appear very young, because men are looking for a certain look to jack off to. So, yes, you are in the right in feeling disgusted by these much older men expressing attraction towards you.
Loved this 🥰
I may change my mind on sex work! I’m open to influence within my personal life and how I see the collective of women or else, I wouldn’t have gone through the effort of making a profile on here. I completely agree that mixed economic structures and less privatization would fix the problems of capitalism. Now, I do have the impulse to say that under capitalism the experiences of a sex worker is more similar to a manager at McDonald’s but I get the feeling you chose program manager at Google for a reason…maybe with the community’s agreed upon definitions of the tiered zero/no/low/high value system? But I’m just guessing! I’ll wait to read the handbook before I make anymore posts because there’s clearly lots of consensuses that are the foundation of sharing experiences on here.