Most guys I meet in the past don't treat me special (which already out themselves from the count) but want me to treat them like they're the special man in my life. I've had some men act like I'm prime real estate to be the special pick me that's going to be their baby momma, jerk me around with bad behavior and I'm supposed to see past it because I MUST be lonely. But why me? What do I have on my face or forehead that says "desperate for any man in my life"?
when I put boundaries now that's when I become the not fun person and they go away. cause then they aren't the special boy in my life that i will destroy myself over. That I'm not considering them as a husband or baby dad or anything else even though my experiences with them are not what I wanted. And it's scary because I know I shouldn't be afraid to get up there in age and I'm not- but the boldness some men have in thinking my age correlates to desperation in looking for the special man that will ruin my life is increasing. Like I said I don't mind my age what I do mind is having too many negative interactions with men cause I'm putting my boundaries down and obvious they don't like that.
They want to recreate the bond with their mommies
Hey you're not alone. I have single mom friends who have almost the exact same thing to say as you do. Men think they're desperate cause they assume no one will date them since they're a single mother. Boy, could they not be more wrong about them and are ALWAYS shocked when my friends just coldly disappear from their lives.
Tbh, toxic people will try to ruin your life in all phases of it. If it wasn't your age men would try to make you feel insecure about, it would be your weight, your looks, your income, your job...Even when it's not remotely warranted.
I'm almost 40, but have never looked my age so men always assume I'm younger so they don't even know they can hold my age against me. You bet your ass they would if they knew how old I am (and believed it, which they often don't).
These shitbags are not picky and way too plentiful. They will fuck with anyone who will tolerate their crap, find what they think is a weak point and try to weaken you even more with it.
Maybe you already do these things but don't reveal your age for as long as possible (if they don't ask, you don't tell) and be even meaner and more detached than these wastes of skin. They say something rude or insensitive, be even more rude and insensitive and then leave them where you found them. If you were really that desperate at your "old" age, then you wouldn't walk away from them at the first sign of disrespect and have a new replacement in your face before the week is over.
Let them die mad 🤷♀️