This disgusting article (which was written by a white scrote teaching other scrotes how to get easy sex from Thai women) came to mind when I read this post warning asian women about fetishist white males. Will... the scrote who wrote this garbage is one example of men who visit or live in East Asian countries for sex toursim.
It's important for Asian women to be aware of these tactics, and most importantly Asian women need to stop putting males of other races on a pedestal. This scrote made it clear that one of the reasons why his chances of getting "hook ups" were high is because he's white and white males tend to have "high sexual market value" in those countries....
This piece of shit also advices other males to not spend (too much) money on those women/dates (AKA not investing in the woman he's trying to steal sex from) rather he says to avoid women who "delay sex" and ask for things and gifts becasue they are time wasters and gold diggers. Basically this POS wants to leech off of those women's time, company and body for free. And any woman who demands some sort of investment is the bad guy. Typical LVM.
That was really fucking gross. It sickens me how scrotes see asian women as submissive slave bitches that will fuck anything with a dick and a pulse
That was a disgusting read.
But is it just me or does the author look exactly like you'd imagine someone to write it?
Such men are called "sex diggers."
And by avoiding relationships they are trying to "Fuck-zone," you.
As someone who is from southeast Asia they love to go to Thailand because there's already easy way for tourists to get around. They underestimate Thai women tho and tbh some of the the women these passport bros are going after may even be ladyboy because it's very accepted culturally.
" Cut off the women who ask you for stuff and stick with the women who like you for who you are."
This is exactly why we need to vet if he's a gold digger. Men are digging our gold.