She said if you're on a dating app you might as well be for sale on Temu and I felt that 😂.
Kill two birds with 1 stone ladies, you get to avoid wasting time on lazy cheap dusty cat-fishers who only see you as an item in a catalog, while resisting the technocratic takeover of every facet of life. Going places in real life keeps these places open instead of a future where our most basic needs like human contact are outsourced to the Zuck or that Elongated Muskrat.
Most losers on dating apps want coffee dates and ice cream dates like you're some small child and also date multiple women instead of just you. Imagine how many diseases he carries.
I had a friend who was at odds with dating apps--trying to get off them but felt like meeting men in real weren't any better. I told her that MOST men are a complete waste of time, yes even men who approach in person--that's just the reality of our world.
I think the issue lies in thinking that dating apps will put more men in front of you, therefore a higher chance of meeting a decent man....But that's not true.
The few decent men on earth are not on dating apps. They only pursue specific women in their sphere because of who those women are. They don't waste their time on apps, looking to fill the role of wife to complete their life.
All dating apps do is bring MORE useless men to you so you are without a DOUBT wasting your time. Women in happy marriages are in then because they ALWAYS put themselves first, and didn't prioritize men or marriage, they were just living their best lives which probably attracted decent men organically and they pursued those women and made their already great lives even better because these men KNEW those women wouldn't even acknowledge their existence if they weren't making their lives better.
It's a bubble-burst, but no one is guaranteed healthy romantic love in this life and it's even RARER than what society would have us believing. Think about it-- marriage was not invented for Love, it was invented so men would always have a woman locked down, even if they had NOTHING to offer, and even with the guise of modern "equality", most marriages are still operating under this context--the man proposed because having a woman drastically improves his life, even if he doesn't really like her.
I don't know how women have the courage to go on a dating app. I can't fathom the following:
Putting my picture online for the whole world to see, telling (or at least implying by my very presence on that app) them I'm looking for someone to pursue me
Telling them my name and where I'm from
Waiting for who-knows-what man to answer and wondering if he's a murderer, and if not a murderer, then a general dirtbag
Responding to his messages (preferably not responding) and agreeing to meet him somewhere
Trembling with trepidation at the thought of the meeting actually being scheduled
This is NOT for me. I don't want to broadcast myself online like this. Sadly, people might look down on you if you don't resort to online dating if you want to find someone but can't. Oh well, maybe you have to let people look down on you. 😏
honestly felt that lol i dont even like having my face, my writing bios directly from my precious brain and data traffic on those apps. i feel more proud and accomplished torrenting anime, movies and browsing the dark web than when i feel the ick from utilizing dating apps.
I don't have time to go out a zillion times a week. I am exhausted after work and my scarce spare time is spent dining out with friends or at the cinema. I am an introvert and I want an introvert man. What use is a scrote who goes to bars in his 40s to me? Zilch.
You think men approach you at museums? The cinema? Concerts? Nobody ever approaches me these days. Maybe I look bitchy, whatever. My extraverted colleague goes to festivals, spiritual retreats etc and guess who she meets there, the same spiritual polyamourous Peter Pans.
Yessss!!! I love this girl so much. SPRINKLE SPRINKLE!
Plus these things immediately lower our worth in mens' eyes. They don't believe that worthwhile women are the ones on dating apps.
It equals the playing field, gives men access to us who should never have any type of access to us, and they are geared to be addicting like all social media apps.
Imagine if we collectively got off of them. Men would have to wash their asses, venture out of their basements, and actually woo us in person. With dating apps, they don't need to do any of that. Apps only benefit nefarious men!
It's these fools basically running all of them -
OLD is also a haven for serial rapists -
That is just one article but there are 100s of these stories out there if you Google it.
It's sad that OLD in 2025 has come to this.
There was a golden age of OLD (maybe from 1995 to 2010?) when your chances of finding suitable partners via OLD were higher than your chances of finding suitable partners IRL. I realize this may be literally unimaginable for younger FDSers.
Men don't want to do the work in person, they don't approach. And its same guys you meet in the bar that you can meet online, it doesn't matter OLD or not. Also, podcast specifies that FDS isn't against OLD if you use it correctly.