Some comments:

In short men are blaming us, but it’s really them. I agree that women’s freedom will have women not choosing kids but come on, with how men actually act? Lol no wonder they had to force us back then. It’s not worth it to get pregnant by them even if you want children.
Of course Women are choosing not to have children look at the porn addicted red pill demons we have to live amongst. Men have always been terrible, but porn and red pill has taken it to another level. When Men want to be contributing members of society, it is at the expense of Women. They want to have women be subjugated again to benefit off of it. It’s sickening. When women have freedom and rights, they choose to stay away from Men. Rightfully so.
Why should Men have any say when it comes to reproduction? when Women have to be the ones who carry, birth and raise these children. Men are so profoundly selfish. It never ceases to amaze me
Why have kids? It makes you dependent.
I’m glad more and more women are waking up to the Bullshit that is Men.
We must protect ourselves, ladies. It’s what FDS is all about.