I’m suspecting a good portion (or maybe even the majority) are pornsick sexual sadists.
Like men usually say it when a woman is visibly upset, exhausted or shortly after he did something hurtful.
If a man see’s a little girl crying he’ll often say something along the lines of “turn that frown upside down” “Don’t cry smile” or sometimes they’ll try to force an involuntary smile by tickling her and ignore her when she says to stop.
Like when I’m upset the very last thing I want to do is smile. It feels so unnatural and forced, even humiliating at times. Why should I expend my emotional energy into forcing a smile when I’d rather do self soothing behaviors instead? Why do men feel entitled to a woman looking happy all the time?
I noticed a lot of men also do it to retail workers and waitresses, even during the pandemic when a mask was required. Like these men expect these women to take their masks off and smile at them, especially if the women has visible physical fatigue from working long hours or was at risk of being scolded by her boss.
Ugh! why do men care about a woman’s facial expression if he can’t even see it?
It’s because it isn't about a woman appearance it’s more like these men want to dominate a woman. These lvm want to control everything a woman does. Even the expression on her hidden face.
I used to be told it was because they were “just trying to help me feel better" or “because they don’t know any better” but these excuses don't make any sense. I don’t think that’s the case because men almost never do it to other males. Its always directed towards women.
I also never had a woman tell me to smile, unless we were both happy and taking a group photo. (Appropriate context)
Austisic/socially awkward males sometimes try to use it as an excuse but an Autistic woman never made unsolicited comments about me smiling. Also it's usually Neurotypical males that do it so the “poor social skills” excuse doesn’t make sense.. I also had multiple young males make unsolicited comments about me “needing to smile more” so the “boomer upbringing” isn’t an excuse whatsoever.
I remember when I was a child I was visibly angry because a scroute was yelling at me and insulting me. I wasn’t speaking, I wasn’t fighting back I was simply disassociating to avoid conflict and self soothe. He screamed “Get that nasty angry look off of your f*%#ing face! Smile you f#%ing b$@%!”
When women are distressed, exhausted or experiencing stressful stimuli disassociating is a common coping method. Sadist males are fully aware of this. They repeat these torture tactics from porn and horror movies. (Theres literally a movie called "smile")
They want to snap the women back to reality so she can’t disassociate. They want the women to get emotionally exhausted more quickly, they get satisfaction from controlling a woman.
These sadists get satisfaction from making women redirect their attention and emotional energy back to him.
It doesn’t matter what she’s going through or what a man is doing to her a predator demands that their target submit. It’s not about being “pleasant”, “looking feminine” or even to “boost his ego” its about control.
It doesn’t matter if he just abused a girl or is currently doing it in present time. Being visibly angry, distressed, exhausted or sad is seen as a form of rebellion. In his mind a woman is not allowed to feel or think, instead its to give into demands.
A man knows if a woman is allowed to have control of her own thoughts, ignore a man or let her emotions naturally flow then, she’s more likely to resist his demands and resent him. She’s more likely to see him for who he actually is, a monster.
Evolutionary biologists say that the smile in primates is a sign of submission. From this the human smile has evolved.
Men tell us to smile because they find submissiveness attractive. Especially when we are angry due to their behaviour they want us to smile. They really hate it when we show any other emotion than fake happiness. Girls get called out when having normal human responses to bad things. That is where the brainwashing begins...
It's a sexist request and has to do with dominating women.
If she smiles, she frees him from any responsibility/accountability (if the reason for her non smile is him.)
He does not see her as a human. She is an object. She does not have humanity. She is there to make him feel good, easy, comfortable. It's like talking to a doll/dog. Simple as that.
Usually when I get a man telling me to smile I bare my teeth at him in the most threatening grimace I can, and growl.
Ain't nobody got the chops to tell me what fucking expression I can have at any given time. Especially not men I wouldn't give a second look to.
If they really wanted us to smile they would try to make us happy 🙄
When I felt like I'm going to spend my christmas alone because I was going to snap contact with Narc family members I was asked by a dude If I burried someone today because I wasn't smiling. I never take offense when I'm told to smile more but I feel no obligation, I will always say " Not today another time maybe"
They want you to pretend that they didn’t upset you. A look of disapproval is a small punishment. They want to act like trash and when there are consequences for their behavior they externalize it and turn it around and make the problem about your reaction to their behavior.
credit: StopTellingWomentoSmile.com
"Men tell women to smile because society conditions men to think we exist for the male gaze and for their pleasure. Men are socialized to believe they have control over women's bodies. This [is the] result in them giving unsolicited instructions on how we should look, think and act. Essentially what a man is saying when he tells a woman -- one he doesn't even know -- to smile, is that his wants outweigh her own autonomy over how she exists in the world." Bené Viera, writer and activist explains to me about her views on men telling women they don't know they should smile.
Because after 10000 years of patriarchy they are terrified women will get wise and revolt. They know deep down their dominance is precarious, unjustified by all the BS lies they tell themselves and us, and wholly dependent on ongoing female submission and compliance. Your smile tells them you are still on their team.