I read a bit of news when I wake up in the morning, and almost every day there is some story in my feed that demonstrates the iron grip the patrirarchy has on all of society, and the utter cluenessness that some women (and all men) have about this reality.
I swear, being a woman -- SURVIVING and trying to THRIVE as a woman -- in this world is a full-time job unto itself. I do have a boyfriend and he's lovely, but I spent about 99 percent of my time focused on myself, because as a woman you can run fast all day and still not catch up with your goals. I am trying to reach my goals, though (career, self-fulfillment, intellectual pursuits, creative stuff, etc.), and I absolutely refuse to derail myself by spending time, emotional energy, etc. on a man's efforts to better himself or whatever.
A man in this world can succeed with one hand tied behind his back, so I don't need to spend one bit of time helping him. If a man can't make it in a world that was literally designed by and for men, there is something wrong with him. And I don't even care to figure out what it is, or waste time giving it a label. I get up early and work hard all day ON ME.
Every day I see women ignoring their own needs and aspirations in order to shove the man's issues to the front burner. It's exasperating, but the only thing I can do is NOT DO THAT myself, and perhaps show them by example that there's a better way.
As the wise ladies before us said: being a woman is a sport.
This is exactly how I feel and why I don't help men or feel bad for them anymore. I try to reserve all my energy for myself and for helping other women.
I believe men should be on mandatory curfews until they are declared sane, criminal record means life time mandatory curfew. I just saw how a woman returned to her apartment and a dude took a sprint to get to her. When she closed the door just in time he was ringing the bell and said "Yo miss open the door"
Nobody tried to arrest him because "Nothing happened"
A man spartan kicked a woman off the stairs unprovoked and he blamed his mental illness for it. I don't know what happened next but he probably got away with it. Because it's not his fault..
Tiktoks are going viral with men explaining what they would do to a woman if she rejects them. Yet we need to trust that these beasts deserve to be free.
Yeah it's pretty bleak out there. I was watching a video (from news) today about a 911 dispatcher that responded to a coded DV call an dI kid you not people in the comments thought it was 'funny' to make DV jokes?!