I just read an article about VAWG, in which they talked about how womens reactions to violence and subsequent changes in behavior (insecurity, nervousness, irritability etc.), can be interpreted as a character flaw, rather than as a reaction to violence, by a system that is supposed to help you. Anyone else experince this?
My strategy against this is to find someone to talk to (outside or inside the system) who understand that your behavior is a trauma response, and not your character.
i do. i have absolutely no hope in ever finding a HVM o a man who won't hurt me somehow, who won't be dangerous to me. it's trauma (and also statistics, but mostly trauma). i think therapy might help, but you gotta find a professional who won't blame you for the abuse you've experienced.
Always. It isn't just a misunderstanding. It's part of the system to deny that VAW is happening & harmful.