Hello, FDS sisters. I come from a first world country that is big on immigration, majority from countries like india and others.
(Canada, Singapore, Germany... etc that relies on immigration heavily)
These men bring over their culture of mistreatment of objectifying and harassing women, habits from their home culture overseas.
They leer at women on public transport, grope women, stalk women, rape women yet the government is deliberately not airing these cases in fear of being deemed as racist and inciting xenophobia. Why are women's safety being compromised due to political correctness?
These men gather in droves and loiter EVERYWHERE. supermarkets, shopping malls, parks, gyms and its scary to be going outside when women can't speak up in fear of getting called racist or xenophobic.
Personal anecdote not long ago, I was on the train and a group of those newcomer men kept staring at me, giggling and laughing to themselves whilst speaking in their language clearly speaking about me in a weird and uncomfortable way, made me felt so uncomfortable and nauseous I immediately left at the next station to get away from them. I've started staying indoors and avoiding going outside since unless necessary or with a group of friends.
A "fun" statistic from Germany recently showed that 78%(!!!) of the perpetrators of gang rapes in Northrhine Westphalia (a federal state that took in lots of refugees from Arab countries) had a migrant background, while only 26% of the general population have a migrant background. The numbers don't lie.
Yes, local men rape women, too. But that doesn't justify importing or tolerating additional rapists from other countries.
men ALWAYS find a way to turn the tables and play the victim. i feel like we'll never win our freedom.
Yep. It happens in my country too. I find women do talk about this is private. Handmaids of course, will call you racist for pointing this out.
In my country a while ago, a group of migrant men attacked 2 women who were holding hands. They came from a homophobic and misogynistic country/culture.
And we’re supposed to pretend that they didn’t know any better.
I personally don’t believe in single men immigrating. They shouldn’t be allowed. They make women’s live miserable where they’re from and then they come here and harass and attack us.
I've been noticing that now, when they describe suspects, they never list out their ethnicity or race. This wasn't happening years ago.
The liberal feminist women protect these men, and if you say anything, they'll call you racist.
I think a lot of people would agree with you but becuase of cancel culture people only talk about it in private. So now poeple just live in echo chambers. Woke culture did not achieve anything.
I did not vote for Trump. I am not democrat nor republican. Western countries are allowing way too much from people crying wolf who actually are the threat. These countries must do better. We are importing problems when we haven't even touched our homegrown issues.
Yep, this is becoming increasingly problematic in Western countries-but if you call it out you’re “racist”. Mass immigration is a threat to women’s safety and needs to be stopped.
Most of these Modern Men are red pilled and porn addicted goblins. I’m so sorry you have to be surrounded by these moids. If I were you, I’d secretly record all of this if you can, and show it to the police or post it on social media and have there lives ruined. A lot of these immigrant Men need to be deported.
Yes, yes, yes. I said something similar a couple months back.
especially african men From subsaharan africa. In Australia there's alot of africans, especially south sudanese men.
I know stereotypes are bad but they exist for a reason. I was too empathetic and scared to be a racist that I allowed ethnic men to be misogynistic towards me, abuse me and not avoid dangerous situation out of fear id appear racist. Ive seen how their misogyny and hatred of women it's enabled by society as people fear being called a racist. And they use racism/xenophobia to their advantage to get away with abusing women and misogyny. They are viewed as victims.
Alot of people that defend them do not have personal experience dealing with them on a personal level especially sexually or romantically or platonically, in a close way. Or have lucked out and only had limited experiences with them that turned out positive or pick me women esp non african women that have only slept with these men but never had intricate and personal romantic relationships /friendships with them and therefore haven't experienced abuse by them let alone seen how it's accepted and excused as they are a eternal "victim".
It's actually dangerous because alot of ethnic men especially african men/south sudanese men. Will become violent and abusive if you are not a pick me or challenge them in anyway or stand up for yourself theres a high chance you will be physically assaulted at worse and verbally abused at best.
I know men in general are abusive and violent. However,
In my experience with them a high percentage of their overall population commits crime, is violent and through personal experiences they do get angered easily/violent especially the south sudanese africans. It's disproportionate and I'm sure it's cultural. They are very complicated and difficult to deal with and you have to constantly walk on eggshells. Sometimes they get angry or hate you unprovoked.
I always thought their culture was beautiful and admired them and their beauty. But both the women and men have anger issues and violence/crime issues but especially the men. Especially as I have some african/carribean ancestry. I always loved africans and admired them. Hence my personal experiences with them which time and time again turned out negative despite being as kind as possible and understanding.
They are quick to anger and when you are on their bad side it's difficult near impossible to get on their good side. They hold resentment against women that are non-african and seem to want to punish you in some way despite desiring you in a way. They also say very misogynistic and sexist things and I think have a special hatred for white women/white appearing women. They are also commonly sexually abusive and extremely selfish in bed.
As I was a lover and admirer of their cultures. I was close and ended up abused heavily by them.
For women I'd say african/south sudanese/Congolese/Liberian africans. Basically the ones that were refugees and had bad civil wars are usually extremely f*ed mentally, add that on top of male anger,violent, misogyny and you have a recipe for disaster.
Ethnic men do use their culture and ethnicity to get away with abusing women.
Wat country are you from?
I’m a proud Trump voter, and I voted for my government to keep these stupid fucks out of my country.