Edit: men aren't allowed to cry
Typo lol
In what world are women rewarded for crying? I've been doing some thinking on my childhood and I realize as an adult I actually struggle to cry because I've been shamed for being too emotional and sensitive growing up.
A lot of these complaints and stereotypes men whine about are always their fault. It was men who taught society men aren't supposed to cry
And when they whine their gf or wife stopped finding them attractive when they cry, 9/10 it's because they start treating her like an unpaid therapist.
Every single guy who has vented to me about their traumas and mental illness were against therapy yet had no problem whining about their depression all of the time to me.
I would suggest they go get help and they never do but it's womens fault that the mens can't cry without being punished! 😢😢😭😭🥺🥺
That’s a rule they inflicted on themselves, when women cry they are told they are children, over emotional, mocked and treated as unstable.
What males mean when they say that, is im entitled to women’s time and affection. If women refuse to be an emotional support sponge they wanna say “men can’t cry” - it’s rooted in entitlement to women’s attention
Thank you for this post. It’s very true that men are the reason men aren’t allowed to cry because men decided crying and showing emotion was considered ‘weak’ and ‘feminine’. How women get dragged into this is beyond me but you know men, they must blame us for everything.